CyberRadicalism: New Book on Global Info-Economy & Change
Carl Davidson | 15.08.2005 00:03 | Analysis | Globalisation | Technology | London | World
[An excellent resource for both political activists and the classroom on the social impact of technology on society, political economy, social systems and theories of social change. 15 Essays, written between 1995 and 2005, Can be used separately, in groups or as a whole.]
CyberRadicalism: A New Left for a Global Age
By Carl Davidson and Jerry Harris
Changemaker Publications, 2005, 313pp. Indexed. Paper.$20
E-book version also available.
Available at:
Davidson is a computer consultant in Chicago, IL, USA, a graduate in philosophy from Penn State University and taught at the University of Nebraska. In the 1960s, he was a national leader of SDS. Harris is professor of history at DeVry Institute of Technology in Chicago, IL, USA, and a former steelworker and trade union activist. Both are founders of the Global Studies Assocation, North America.
Table of Contents:
Part One:
The Revolution in Production & the Need for New Theory
Chapter 1: The Promise and Peril of the Third Wave: Socialism and Democracy for the 21st Century.
Chapter 2: The Cybernetic Revolution and the Crisis of Capitalism.
Chapter 3: CyberRadicalism: Getting Beyond Scarcity: Strategy and Vision in the Information Age.
Chapter 4: From Das Capital to DOS Capital: A Look at Recent Theories of Value.
Chapter 5: There Is An Alternative, Market Socialism with Radical Democracy: Some Notes On Reading Schweickart's 'After Capitalism.'
Part Two:
Classes and Class Struggle In the Era of Globalization
Chapter 6: Globalization and the Technological Transformation of Capitalism.
Chapter 7: Towards A Global Ruling Class? Globalization and the Transnational Capitalist Class.
Chapter 8: Information Technology & the Transnational Ruling Class.
Chapter 9: The Military-Industrial Complex in the Conflict for Power.
Part Three:
Revolutionary Practice in a Non-Revolutionary Period:
The Strategy and Tactics of 'High Road' Structural Reform
Chapter 10: A New Manifesto on the Strategy and Tactics of Radical Democracy: A Review of Dan Swinney=s ABuilding the Bridge to the High Road
Chapter 11: A New Social Contract: The Need for Radical Reforms in the Fight for Jobs and a Living Wage.
Chapter 12: Terrorism and the Present Danger: A Perspective for the American Left.
Chapter 13: Moving from Protest to Politics: Dumping Bush's Regime in
Chapter 14: The Road Ahead After 2004: Building a Broad Nonpartisan Alliance vs. Bush and the Far Right.
Chapter 15: Globalization, Theocracy and the New Fascism: An Analysis of the U.S. Right's Rise to Power & What Can Be Done About It
By Carl Davidson and Jerry Harris
Changemaker Publications, 2005, 313pp. Indexed. Paper.$20
E-book version also available.
Available at:
Davidson is a computer consultant in Chicago, IL, USA, a graduate in philosophy from Penn State University and taught at the University of Nebraska. In the 1960s, he was a national leader of SDS. Harris is professor of history at DeVry Institute of Technology in Chicago, IL, USA, and a former steelworker and trade union activist. Both are founders of the Global Studies Assocation, North America.
Table of Contents:
Part One:
The Revolution in Production & the Need for New Theory
Chapter 1: The Promise and Peril of the Third Wave: Socialism and Democracy for the 21st Century.
Chapter 2: The Cybernetic Revolution and the Crisis of Capitalism.
Chapter 3: CyberRadicalism: Getting Beyond Scarcity: Strategy and Vision in the Information Age.
Chapter 4: From Das Capital to DOS Capital: A Look at Recent Theories of Value.
Chapter 5: There Is An Alternative, Market Socialism with Radical Democracy: Some Notes On Reading Schweickart's 'After Capitalism.'
Part Two:
Classes and Class Struggle In the Era of Globalization
Chapter 6: Globalization and the Technological Transformation of Capitalism.
Chapter 7: Towards A Global Ruling Class? Globalization and the Transnational Capitalist Class.
Chapter 8: Information Technology & the Transnational Ruling Class.
Chapter 9: The Military-Industrial Complex in the Conflict for Power.
Part Three:
Revolutionary Practice in a Non-Revolutionary Period:
The Strategy and Tactics of 'High Road' Structural Reform
Chapter 10: A New Manifesto on the Strategy and Tactics of Radical Democracy: A Review of Dan Swinney=s ABuilding the Bridge to the High Road
Chapter 11: A New Social Contract: The Need for Radical Reforms in the Fight for Jobs and a Living Wage.
Chapter 12: Terrorism and the Present Danger: A Perspective for the American Left.
Chapter 13: Moving from Protest to Politics: Dumping Bush's Regime in
Chapter 14: The Road Ahead After 2004: Building a Broad Nonpartisan Alliance vs. Bush and the Far Right.
Chapter 15: Globalization, Theocracy and the New Fascism: An Analysis of the U.S. Right's Rise to Power & What Can Be Done About It
Carl Davidson