saturday club 4x4 antics
nes | 25.04.2005 05:14 | Ecology | Globalisation
When one approchaed we all approached and asked them to wind down their windows so that we could present them with a certificate.. then we cheered and clapped, through streamers and party poppers all over the vehicle..with someome shouting on the mega phone to alert passers by to why they had won one of our certificates..
(Unfortunately) there were loads of them, they all reacted differently some got angry and some just looked thoroughly ashamed..either way maybe they'll think bout it..
we ended the day by visiting the local hummer dealer baur millet on deansgate to show our disgust at their business of giving kids asthma and encouraging people to drive such oil guzzling machines (a hummer uses more petrol than a tractor!)..we advised their customers against purchasing one and awarded each hummer with a certificate (which the salesman didnt seem to notice us doing as they were still on the vehicles later!)
on our way home we put certificates on each parked 4x4 we passed..hopefully theyl get the message that we dont want their pollution and their accident prone machines..
4x4 drivers: stop taking out you feeling of inadequacy on us and our planet... get some self confidence and a bike....
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