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saturday club 4x4 antics

nes | 25.04.2005 05:14 | Ecology | Globalisation

the saturday club met this saturday to congratulate the 4x4 drivers of manchester for giving us asthma..causing 25% of all road traffic accidents and for their massive contribution to climate change...

dressed in suits and a cheerleader the saturday steeped out onto the streets of manchester with certificates to congratulate 4x4 drivers. We lay in wait by traffic lights on deansgate (a traditionally yuppie area in manchester).

When one approchaed we all approached and asked them to wind down their windows so that we could present them with a certificate.. then we cheered and clapped, through streamers and party poppers all over the vehicle..with someome shouting on the mega phone to alert passers by to why they had won one of our certificates..

(Unfortunately) there were loads of them, they all reacted differently some got angry and some just looked thoroughly ashamed..either way maybe they'll think bout it..

we ended the day by visiting the local hummer dealer baur millet on deansgate to show our disgust at their business of giving kids asthma and encouraging people to drive such oil guzzling machines (a hummer uses more petrol than a tractor!)..we advised their customers against purchasing one and awarded each hummer with a certificate (which the salesman didnt seem to notice us doing as they were still on the vehicles later!)

on our way home we put certificates on each parked 4x4 we passed..hopefully theyl get the message that we dont want their pollution and their accident prone machines..

4x4 drivers: stop taking out you feeling of inadequacy on us and our planet... get some self confidence and a bike....

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26.04.2005 12:51

Getting all the Hummers in Britain off the road will have virtually no effect on the asthma levels. Why not concentrate on the Ford Focus? If you could persuade 5% of those drivers to ride a bike you might be doing some good.



27.04.2005 10:54

I agree Austin it would be great to see everyone on bikes, but I also think that this sounds like a brilliant thing to have done, and to only offer criticism is not going to solve any problems. Well done guys it sounds great!


are you being deliberately obtuse?

27.04.2005 11:50

Hummers, Ford Focuses, trains, trams, Smart cars and buses all damage the atmosphere. However, Hummers create much more damage per passenger, so isn't it sensible to target them (along with other non-essential 4x4s)



08.06.2005 16:18

Why pick on 4x4s?
It is a fact that buses each run over and seriosly maim or kill 54 badgers per year!

Smart cars produce dangerous emissions which cause respiratory problems in mayfly meaning they seldom live more than a day!

Cycling causes sweat that is carcinogenic to ladybirds!

Fuel cell cars only emit water. Did you know pure water is a major cause of HIV in squirrells??!

In future, think before criticising 4x4s and do some research!


4x4 complainers: Get your facts right or shut your whinging faces!!!

30.08.2005 17:56

Unfortunately the Hummer now tars all 4x4 owners with the same brush. If those owners can afford to waste their cash on eight miles to the gallon then that's their pigeon. I have to admit certain 4x4's do tend to bread a type like Range Rovers are usually owned by a snotty pompous types who know nothing about off or on-roading. 4x4 Volvos and Porsche Cayennes? Well, that's another story! My argument is that 4x4's are safer for the occupants than anything else on the road, they are safer to drive because of good visibility and generally they can be seen and heard coming. What's more, 4x4's have proportionately larger brakes than anything else and there is no evidence that they can't stop as quickly as an ordinary BMW. The bottom line is that if little Jimmy rides his trike out into the path of ANY vehicle doing more than 20 mph there's going to be a bloddy mess so what difference will it make whether Jimmy is splatterd by a 3 ton Nissan Patrol or a half ton Smart car? The only counter argument that might be valid is that if a Ford Focus driver pulls out in front of a Nissan Patrol then the Ford will most certainly come off worse because of the shear weight of the 4x4, but that doesn't mean the 4x4 is any less safer than a smaller vehicle. It's the dangerous drivers (usually girls and women I might add) who prematurely pull out of side turnings that need to be banned, not 4x4s. Those 4x4 complainers should get their facts right, you're not going to win this argument so shut your whinging faces!!

John Stephens
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03.10.2005 15:18

I work for Bauer Millett (if you write an article, at least spell the company names right) and I have asthma. I have no problem with the Hummer, that's why I work there.

...and here's a tip for the 4x4 owners: Next time this happens to you, go and cut down a tree.

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