Trade Unionists rally to Save Rover
imc-brum vol | 15.04.2005 20:45 | Social Struggles
Trade Unionists rally to Save Rover
Birmingham trades unionists are taking to the streets today calling on the government to cough up the cash and save MG Rover.
A rally, called by the Birmingham TUC and backed by Longbridge car workers, is set to take place at 12.30 in Victoria Square, Birmingham city center, Saturday 16 April 2005.
“The impact of 5,000 redundancies at Longbridge is not only a personal tragedy for the families involved but will have a massive impact across Birmingham leading to several times that number in the supply industry being made redundant. We cannot stand back and let this happen. We are calling on trade unionists and the people of Birmingham to give an hour for Rover and turn up at Victoria Square this Saturday at 12.30am
A message must be sent to the government that if they can’t find a company to continue large scale car production at Longbridge they must take it back into public ownership.”
1. To contact Birmingham TUC ring David Hughes 0797 167 9883
imc-brum vol
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