b.jones | 04.04.2005 17:21 | Analysis | Indymedia | Repression | London | World
CLIVE SOLEY MP has waged a very dirty campaign supporting his Labour friends that run Notting Hill Housing Trust against all the vulnerable tenants of Notting Hill Housing Trust. Including all his very vulnerable constituents of Ealing, Acton and Shepherds Bush.
Iain Coleman MP, the MP for Hammersmith and wife of Dame Sally Powell [sister of Jonathan Powell, the chief of Staff of Tony Blair MP and brother of Thatcher's favourite PR man Charles Powell. He was paid £120,000 and was one of the driving forces behind the decision that one of the quickest ways to show that the Labour Party was pro-business was to take funding from business. Another of his brothers, Chris Powell, was Managing Director of BMP DDB Needham, the Labour Party's advertising agency for the 1997 election] a member of Labour's National Executive was found by POLICE in Harley Street last week hunched over the whel of her red TOYOTA rocking backwards and forwards totally drunk with the key which she had already turned in the ignition. She was found with 61 micrograms of alcohol in 100 milliltres of breath - way over the 35 micrograms limit.
Although she pleaded GUILTY at Horseferry Road Magistrates COurt on 3 February 2005 to being drunk in charge of a vehicle, she received nothing more than an £800 fine, £250 costs and 10 points on her licence.
The judge - perhaps thinking in terms of the possibility of promotion within the legal hierarchy - decided there were 'special reasons' for Sally POWELL to be allowed to continue driving. [Arguing that she was the only person available to drive him to hospital for treatment - but what of her responsibilities as a Labour Councillor?]
On 21 January 2005, Sally POWELL welcomed extending licensing hours. She said it was a good idea that responsible councillors such as herself should take over licensing powers. Yet a ban or custodial sentence is usual in such cases where a driver is found with a high alcoholic content in their blood.
Does it not appear there is one law for some and another for the rest of us?
With the senior Labour party official who helped bring forward plans for longer pub opening - Dame Sally POWELL - was found drunk at the wheel of her car.
Returning to tenants of Notting Hill Housing Trust, one of the vulnerable tenants of the Trust went to try to seek the help of Iain COLEMAN MP at the House of Commons - but the MP made it very very clear that he was not prepared to help - even though he was sought out and personally summoned from the Chamber of the House of Commons to the Central Lobby. [Perhaps the MP believed the spin, the lies and the deceit of the political party in power and thought, misleadingly, that never ever could he become vulnerable and insecure - like others.]
A gentleman that accompanied the vulnerable tenant said that he felt Mr Coleman would suffer a stroke which would never ever leave him - no matter what he may do. Ironically, just weeks later, it was reported in the newspapers that Mr Iain COLEMAN MP sustained a stroke (otherwise known as a Cardio Vascular Accident or CVA).
Lord Tom SAWYER - the Chairman of Notting Hill Housing Trust until the end of last year when the ex head of UNISON Union was discredited by the actions of his good friend and colleague the Chief Executive and Labour party member - Peter REDMAN - when 45 highly desirable and very expensive flats earmarked for vulnerable tenants and located in some of the most expensive areas in west London that belonged to the Trust were described after an informer pointed out their 'loss' that millions of pounds worth of valuable property just 'went missing' from the portfolio of the 18,000 properties of the charitable trust. {Such a plundering of high value assets of the Trust was never ever described by Lord Tom SAWYER or Peter REDMAN as FRAUD or THEFT or BREACH of TRUST or CORRUPTION}
Peter REDMAN, the Labour friend of CLIVE SOLEY MP was given a substantial termination payment by Lord Tom Sawyer out of funds from the charitable trust and matters have now appeared to carry on as normal under the authority of Gerard LEMOS as Chairman and Kate DAVIES as Chief Executive. It is clear that the latter continues to be a great supporter of the discredited Lord Tom SAWYER.
With the support of CLIVE SOLEY MP no action was ever taken against the Chief Executive of the housing association - Peter REDMAN - nor even against the Chairman of the Trust, Lord Tom SAWYER. Whilst Peter REDMAN was awarded a substantial payment on departure from his fellow Labour party friend, Lord Tom SAWYER, Lord SAWYER appeared to make a bolt for it from the Housing Trust earlier than he had previously planned, as Tom SAWYER ensured placing his protege Labour party member Gerard LEMOS as chairman and replacement.
Mr Gerard LEMOS was the ex Commissioner of the Audit Commission that delivered a report of poor management performance against the Trust before Lord Tom Sawyer hurriedly departed as chairman. Mr LEMOS as new chairman of the Trust had been a member of the British Council and he had been sponsored heavily by Lord SAWYER out of Notting Hill Housing Trust funds in order to write up a project setting out the policies that will be adopted by the Trust to introduce more affordable housing in a biased way ['Urban Village Global City: Colville' - it talks at length of harassment but it carefully ignores the far more important aspect of harassment orchestrated by the management actions from agents of the Trust (as orchestrated by specific senior management of the Trust)].
The Trust will build 'social (affordable) housing' throughout London, but drawing on central government funds which means that very much more money and very many more houses will be ringfenced for people claiming asylum and for those who argue they are one parent families - even though they continue to live with their partner. Indigenous people will be placed at the lowest level on any housing allocation list.
Now with no more council housing programme, the local authority looks to the housing association housing stock for their housing provision. Some 75% of housing association housing stock must be allocated to the local authority housing department and this compromises the actions of the local authorities against housing associations to comply with unlawful actions - such as overcrowding, the non enforcement of health and safety regulations, the inability to secure independent legal services from the local law centre that is part financed by the local authority, the inability to enforce rodent infestation breaches in housing association properties or to adequately deal with noisy or nuisance neighbours that have been purposely placed there by the landlords in order to try to get good tenants to quit their properties, together with neighbours that are increasingly being placed in communities that are no longer supporting communities.
Yet it appears that discreditable conduct and more by Peter Redman and Lord Tom SAWYER seems to be rewarded by appointments to other Housing Associations and specifically to Chancellorship of Teesside University - in the case of the latest Labour reward and preferment - to the discredited Lord Tom SAWYER.
Not unlike the return of Peter MANDELSON - Peter REDMAN has been twice discredited - he is seconded to run the Labour general election campaign, starting from 5 May 2005.
The forthcoming Labour campaign is going to be very dirty. It will attack the constituents of Ealing, Acton and Shepherds Bush, those who are identified as minorities and anyone who is seen to be vulnerable.
CLIVE SOLEY MP has certainly not supported his constituents - particularly if they are or were tenants of Notting Hill Housing Trust and he has just continued to abuse such people, be they male, female, black, white, Asian, Muslim, Christian or just plain vulnerable constituents of Ealing, Acton and Shepherds Bush.
MPs have a duty to support their constituents if they are in a position of vulnerability.
Yet CLIVE SOLEY MP has been noted by his abuse of power.
He has supported the powerful and he has attacked the powerless. Just as he automatically supported the prime minister to gain favour and attacked rather than supported the back bench Labour MPs as chairman of the Parliamentary Labour Party.
These are the last days for an MP who was one of the worst Members of Parliament that appears to have selfishly served himself and not his constituents in the House of Commons.
It will be understandable that those who truly know his selfish ambition will pay no respect to him on his passing.
They will, however, remember a truly evil wicked monster - CLIVE STAFFORD SOLEY MP.
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