Iraq war totally justified claims the government
The Sun | 14.10.2004 15:50
The poison gas used to murder thousands of Kurds and Iranians. The invasion of Kuwait in 1990 which needed half a million American and British troops to reverse. His attempt to assassinate former President George H. Bush (Dubya’s dad) in 1993. The way he harboured one of the bombers who attacked the World Trade Center that year. Has Kennedy forgotten how Saddam never told the truth about weapons of mass destruction and ejected U.N. weapons inspectors? Or that the need to keep a huge U.S. military presence in the Middle East was the reason given by Osama Bin Laden in 1998 for his declaration of holy war on America? America and Britain could not have gone to war for a more valid and honourable cause than the destruction of Saddam’s evil regime.
The Sun
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