Iraq war totally justified claims the government
The Sun | 14.10.2004 15:50
Those who bleat that the war on Iraq was illegal or unnecessary should stand by the mass graves in the killing fields of Hatra.
The remains of mothers with unborn babies and bodies of toddlers still clutching toys bear pitiless testimony to the murderous regime of Saddam Hussein. Many had been shot in the back of the head, their bodies bulldozed into makeshift graves. In a second grave were the bodies of their husbands and fathers, massacred with machine guns. To end this evil was the reason we went to war. When the world found out about atrocities the Nazis committed in the Holocaust, it said: Never again.But Saddam was as evil as Hitler. We could not stand by and do nothing. It is pointless politicians arguing about dodgy dossiers or United Nations resolutions. The truth is that Saddam was a monster determined to be the first Arab nuclear ruler and the world is better with him in prison, not in power. Lib-Dem leader Charles Kennedy accuses Tony Blair of leading us into “an illegal war.” Why doesn’t he talk about the illegal acts committed by Saddam over 24 years?
The poison gas used to murder thousands of Kurds and Iranians. The invasion of Kuwait in 1990 which needed half a million American and British troops to reverse. His attempt to assassinate former President George H. Bush (Dubya’s dad) in 1993. The way he harboured one of the bombers who attacked the World Trade Center that year. Has Kennedy forgotten how Saddam never told the truth about weapons of mass destruction and ejected U.N. weapons inspectors? Or that the need to keep a huge U.S. military presence in the Middle East was the reason given by Osama Bin Laden in 1998 for his declaration of holy war on America? America and Britain could not have gone to war for a more valid and honourable cause than the destruction of Saddam’s evil regime.
The poison gas used to murder thousands of Kurds and Iranians. The invasion of Kuwait in 1990 which needed half a million American and British troops to reverse. His attempt to assassinate former President George H. Bush (Dubya’s dad) in 1993. The way he harboured one of the bombers who attacked the World Trade Center that year. Has Kennedy forgotten how Saddam never told the truth about weapons of mass destruction and ejected U.N. weapons inspectors? Or that the need to keep a huge U.S. military presence in the Middle East was the reason given by Osama Bin Laden in 1998 for his declaration of holy war on America? America and Britain could not have gone to war for a more valid and honourable cause than the destruction of Saddam’s evil regime.
The Sun
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