Twenty Four Things We Are Not Told About the Smoke Ban.
Watchdog | 12.06.2004 22:10 | Culture | Ecology | Health
This is NOT 'for-smokers-only'. It's for anyone concerned about extremely health-damaging private industrial corruption of everyone's government. It relates to all consumer products, to medical and scientific institutions, and to the legal system itself.
1) April ('03), the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) condemned lax government monitoring of tobacco pesticides. See: Wash Post >


21) and these websites for toxic gases from the burning of synthetic
fabrics...which happens when a Burn Accelerated cigarette may fall:



22) Australia finally opened up the Pandora's Box about non-tobacco
cigarette adulterants, specifically DDT and other pesticide residues.

23) And, a huge lawsuit in Israel...not about "smoking" but about
ADDITIVES: From newspaper, Haaretz:

24) Bill Drake's invaluable site:

Bottom line: This is about a LOT more than "tobacco" or "tobacco smoke".
It's about ALL the parts of the broad cigarette cartel, including insurers and investors, passing the blame and burdens of law onto the VICTIMS...the smokers and non-complicit pub and restaurant owners and the like. Manufacturing Processes...exempted from scrutiny or regulation.
It's about what may be the biggest evasion of corporate liability of all time...all wrapped nicely in healthful "for your protection" language.
It's about scapegoating a "sinful" (?) natural plant for crimes of industry.
It's about preparing for the NEXT Prohibition of yet another natural plant for the benefits of some of the most health damaging industries on the planet.
It ought NOT be about "anti smoking" (by victims) but about Anti Intentional Secret Spiking of Smoking Products With KNOWN Deadly Substances (by industries, with help and approval from gov't officials).
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