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Twenty Four Things We Are Not Told About the Smoke Ban.

Watchdog | 12.06.2004 22:10 | Culture | Ecology | Health

Twenty-Four things about the fraudulent "smoking" ban situation that your media OR your public officials didn't,and won't tell you. Info here may be helpful to pub proprietors (and their counselors) in opposing any bans. This deal is NOT about our health or health of workers. Ironically, it's about protecting the Cigarette Cartel.

This is NOT 'for-smokers-only'. It's for anyone concerned about extremely health-damaging private industrial corruption of everyone's government. It relates to all consumer products, to medical and scientific institutions, and to the legal system itself.

1) April ('03), the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) condemned lax government monitoring of tobacco pesticides. See: Wash Post > >
>,1413,108~5342~1420042,00.html >

21) and these websites for toxic gases from the burning of synthetic
fabrics...which happens when a Burn Accelerated cigarette may fall:

22) Australia finally opened up the Pandora's Box about non-tobacco
cigarette adulterants, specifically DDT and other pesticide residues.,5942,7758403,00.html

23) And, a huge lawsuit in Israel...not about "smoking" but about
ADDITIVES: From newspaper, Haaretz:

24) Bill Drake's invaluable site:

Bottom line: This is about a LOT more than "tobacco" or "tobacco smoke".
It's about ALL the parts of the broad cigarette cartel, including insurers and investors, passing the blame and burdens of law onto the VICTIMS...the smokers and non-complicit pub and restaurant owners and the like. Manufacturing Processes...exempted from scrutiny or regulation.
It's about what may be the biggest evasion of corporate liability of all time...all wrapped nicely in healthful "for your protection" language.
It's about scapegoating a "sinful" (?) natural plant for crimes of industry.
It's about preparing for the NEXT Prohibition of yet another natural plant for the benefits of some of the most health damaging industries on the planet.

It ought NOT be about "anti smoking" (by victims) but about Anti Intentional Secret Spiking of Smoking Products With KNOWN Deadly Substances (by industries, with help and approval from gov't officials).



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You smoke we choke (that old chestnut)

13.06.2004 22:46

I agree that all these points should be addressed but nevertheless, it is unacceptable that people who do not smoke particularly the workers of bars, restaurants, etc should have to breathe in other people's cigarette smoke.

Also, why don't more pubs serve peppermint tea!?


anarchists and activists need to give up!

14.06.2004 21:08

it always confuses me the significant proportion of anarchists and activists who actually support some of the worst multi-nationals on the planet by buying their addictive products and smoking!

i gave up many years ago after hearing that mrs. thatcher got half a million for being an advisor to philip morris tobacco company. everytime i was desperate for a ciggie, i thought of her making money out of me, and it helped me with the determination to go cold turkey and get off that particular weed.

kenneth clarke is on the board of british american tobacco, and if you check the lists of m.p.'s interests, you'll find loads more of the bastards are profiting from this deadly industry. so every time you light up, you're supporting these buggers.

god knows it's hard to give up, but really, if you want a better world.....


Workers are NOT being protected. It's a scam.

14.06.2004 23:09

Workers are said to be protected from cigarette smoke.
* the smoke hasn't been defined for CONTENT yet.
* the smoke is NOT just tobacco smoke, by miles. It's smoke from pesticide resideues, chlorine, heaps of untested non-tobacco stuff.'s flipping radioactive from still legal use of certain fertilizers.
(Somehow, many points got deleted from original message. Don't know why. Will try to add them in next comment.)
* Workers are being screwed out of right to compensation for PAST poisoning by NOT tobacco smoke, but by smoke from the unlabeled, toxic, carcinogenic industrial ADULTERANTS to typical cigs.

There is a WIDE difference between TOBACCO SMOKE and the smoke from a typical cig. The latter is more kin to some of the worst Industrial Waste Incinerators, and has no comparisson to smoke from a natural plant. It's the Thatchers and industries and corporate corrupted media that call it "tobacco smoke". Do NOT accept their language.


The Missing Cig Links

14.06.2004 23:17

The numbers 2 to 20 were inexplicably deleted from the original posting.
Here they are again...

2) Partial list of non-tobacco cig ingredients (all untested) from which manufacturers select their secret "recipes":

3) For US Patents for Fake Tobacco materials and processes...type in Pat. No. 3,978,866, for starters, (then do "next" or "previous") in this
category at:

4) (Philip Morris had to post this as part of U.S. "settlement".) Lots of dirt...rarely noted by "anti-smokers".

5) Radiation (!) contaminating tobacco...

6) The 12 initial POPs include eight pesticides (aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor,
mirex, and toxaphene), two industrial chemicals (PCBs and hexachlorobenzene, which is also a pesticide), and two unwanted by-products of combustion and industrial processes (dioxins and furans).
NINE of the 12 worst industrial pollutants on earth are, or have been,in cigs...and in unwitting, uncompensated smokers' lungs.

7) From Pesticicide Action Network, re/ 450 registered tobacco
pesticides (from oil & pharmaceuticl firms). : "Tobacco, Farmers and Pesticides: The Other Story."

8) RJR's (biased) review of Judge Osteen's rejection of EPA "secondhand
smoke" stuff.

9) More on EPA/2nd hand smoke; This avoids all along anything about
what's IN "secondhand smoke". Cigs not defined or analyzed...smoke not
defined or analyzed. This is not science.

10) Fantastic scandal...that never heated up: Health insurers links to
Big Cig.
If that site is a problem...see same material at:

11) Re/ "fire safe" cigs/burn accelerants:

12) Methyl Bromide use on tobacco:

13) US Gov't Accounting Office March 2003 report on lax gov't monitoring
of tobacco pesticide residues. GAO fails to note dioxin from the chlorine
chemicals, and fails to define what it means by "smoking", but even THIS info ignored by "anti smokers". No bans on pesticides demanded.

14) The Muto/Takazawa piece on "Dioxins in Cigarette Smoke".
Archives of Environmental Health, Pg. 44 (3) : 171-4 May/Jun89 (Compare
to "Health Effects..." just below.)

15) HEALTH EFFECTS OF DIOXINS ...w/ info re/ U.S. dioxin maximum limits etc. (Compare to Muto/Takazawa discoveries re/ dioxin in cig smoke. Do the easy math. Result: just 20 typical cigs, w/ chlorine, hit unwitting victims with 716 times the US minimum for dioxin exposure!):

16) Interesting. "Smokers" job performance better than non-smokers!
Journal of Psychology. 2002 May;136(3):339-49 Related Articles, Links _uids=12206282&dopt=Abstract

17) from the National Center on Food and Agricultural Policy, from
1997 use data. (Not all, just major tobacco pesticides); Number, I
believe, is pounds used per anum.
1,3-Dichloropropene 13,279,285
ACEPHATE 871,899
ETHEPHON 102,130
ETHOPROP 182,321
MANCOZEB 356,811
PEBULATE 131,665
TOBACCO Total 26,974,241

18) "Liggett Documents Show Pesticide Use For Tobacco," (...such as DDT, Endrin, and malathion.) WALL STREET JOURNAL, April 9, 1997, p. B8. (sdb 4/9/97) [can't find computer link, yet.]

19) Title: How [untested] cigarette additives are used to mask environmental tobacco smoke. Dr. Gregory N Connolly, Director, Massachusetts Tobacco Control Program, Massachusetts Dept. of Public Health. (Doesn't address products that contain NO real tobacco.)

20) Websites for burn accelerants (STILL!) added to cigarettes:
>,1413,108~5342~1420042,00.html >


Anarchists don't ban things

27.02.2006 21:18

Where's the opposition to this illiberal, petty minded authoritarian smoking ban?
Anarchists, left-libertarians and genuine liberals (not neo-liberals) should oppose the ban.

Do people not realise that hundreds of pubs and private clubs are likely to go out of business because of the small-minded and ridiculously petty bill? The only real people to benefit will be big business. Why? Because the small independent pubs will go to the wall first leaving the pubco's with control of the market. Why else do you think the big pubco's oppose a partial ban that excluded some pubs and private clubs? Because it would be the big business element of the pubs trade that would lose out from a partial ban.

Also do people not realise that when smoking is banned in pubs and private clubs (i.e. woking men's clubs and bingo halls) more smokers will smoke at home in front of their kids and non-smoking partners?
Its a catch 22 for the petty minded anti-libertarian banners. Ban smoking in pubs and the children have to breath more smoke nice one!!!

James W

Ban Peppermint tea from pubs!!!

27.02.2006 21:20

We don't want to smell your horrible herbal tea!!! Ban it!!!
