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Thessaloniki Prisoner Solidarity - Hungerstrikers Latest News

IMC-UK | 30.11.2003 23:35

Simon after 44 days without food November 26:The Thessaloniki 7 are to be released today. The hungerstrike has ended. Their determined protest against their imprisonment on remand on false charges was successful. The news spread from imc thessaloniki to indymedia uk within 1 hour: [14:30 | 14:43 | 14:51 | 14:56 | 14:58 | 15:06 | 15:06 | 15:07 | 15:08 | 15:14 | 15:21 | 15:23 | 15:24 | 15:26 | 15:33 | 15:39 ]
Solidarity groups all over the world are wishing them a good recovery.

November 26: At 4 pm Greek time, a special Council ruled that the Thessaloniki 7 are to be set free until their trial. Meanwhile, they are not be allowed to leave the country. [imc athens | imc uk | reuters]. Earlier in the day, the Athens district attorney issued a statement that the 5 hunger strikers will be forced fed and doctors who refuse this will be "charged with homicide" [reuters | imc uk]. Possibly, this lead to increased media pressure on the Greek authorities.

November 25: 2 Hungerstrikers moved to hospital in critical condition [Press Release TPSG 26 Nov]. An Amnesty International Press Release calls for independent investigation into ill-treatment of demonstrators. A photo by Reuters photographer Yannis Behrakis clearly proves that Simon has been framed by the greek police.

November 24 The public prosecutor suggested to turn down the request for immediate release of the seven hungerstrikers. The final decision of the magistrates council is expected in a few days. They can decide against the public prosecutors suggestion.
[Thessaloniki Legal Team Press Release 24 Nov imc uk | imc thessaloniki]
Due to their "extremely dangerous" condition, the hunger-strikers' doctors issued a public call [imc uk | imc thessaloniki]

November 23: Kleanthis Grivas, Alexandra Eftimiadou, Maria-Myrtw Griva, physicians of the 5 on hunger strike, examined Carlos Martin, Fernado Perez and Spiros Tsitsas in the General Public Hospital of Nikaia. The doctors had a hard time finding someone in charge, and concluded: "In Greece, civil rights have a chance of being relatively protected only if their infringement happens to take place during week days and not during Sundays or Holidays". A lawsuit against Greek authorities is envisaged doctor's statement

November 22: The authorities continue to move the weakened hungerstrikers around, without informing their doctors and lawyers. Solaiman Dadkuk "Castro" was taken to the Tzanio state hospital, as the prison hospital at Korydalos prison is not sufficiently equipped. He needs a surgical operation to prevent perforation of intestine. He was trasported back to prison, although the doctor of his choice disagreed. Carlos Martinez was taken to the Nikaea General State Hospital. The members of the medical staff of Koridalos Prison Hospital refuse to provide information to Simon Chapman’s lawyer. [report | Legal Team Press Release 23 Nov]

Nov 21: The Greek Justice Minister has ordered a decision be made by Nov 21. Two members of the Thessaloniki Prisoner Support Group handed an urgent letter of appeal to the Greek Ambassador in London. They wanted assurances that he had watched video evidence, recorded by Greek news television, which casts serious doubt over the integrity of the arrests made on the day (letter and video available on The Greek authorities must now make the decision whether to release the hungerstrikers on bail or let them die. [Thessaloniki Prisoner Support Group Press Update Nov 21]

Nov 20: Requests for the release of the hunger strikers have not been answered. The doctors issued an alarming 2nd medical statement [imc Thessaloniki | imc uk]. Carlos Martin Martínez', (26), and Fernando Pérez' (21) health has worsened. All detainees require urgent continuous medical care [report].

Nov 19 After a report of he Greek state broadcaster ERT, a Supreme Court prosecutor ordered an investigation into claims that Simon Chapman, held in pre-trial custody since his arrest after the June 21 anti-EU protests in Thessaloniki was framed by police. [imcuk | Kathimerini].

Nov 17: Dr. Kleanthis Grivas, one of the doctors of the five Hungerstrikers, releases a photo of Simon chapman on his 44th day without food.

Nov 15: The doctors of the 5 hungerstrikers release a public call in time for the Nov 17th demonstrations all over Greece.

Nov 14: Lawyers submitted a release application on medical grounds to the Juridical Authorities in Thessaloniki [Report(Gr/Eng)], backed up by a detailled medical report by the doctors of the 5 hunger-strikers. According to the report, the hungerstrike "includes now most certainly the risk of causing irreversible health damages". The report illustrates the horror of their current physical condition.

Nov 13: Doctors visited the hungerstrikers today [Report(Gr/Eng)]. They report that their medical condition is now very dangerous, and it can result in irreversible damage to their health. Fernando Perez's situation remains critical and doctors fear he could fall into coma at any time.

Nov 11: All hungerstrikers were transported from Thessaloniki to a prison hospital in Athens, accompanied by massive police presence. According to Thessaloniki Prisoner Solidarity, minor demands for improvement of conditions were met after a 2 day thirst strike. We heard that Fernando Perez is so weak that he had to be put into a civilian prison.

Nov 10: Last night, the hunger strikers began refusing liquids. This dramatic escalation in their protest was in response to a denial of their basic rights. When their lawyers arrived at the hospital they were surrounded and threatened by armed police who prevented them from entering. Also rumors that the hungerstrikers will be split up and sent to seperate prisons some miles away.
On the same day, the other two 'Saloniki 7' prisoners started a seven day solidarity hunger strike. It is due to end next Monday 17 Nov.

Nov 8: All 5 hungerstrikers are taken to hospital as their physical condition is becoming increasingly critical.

Nov 6: Fernando and Tsitsas went to Papanikolaou hospital, as a result of being on hunger-strike [Report] and went back to prison as they did not accept any food or medical treatment.

Nov 5: Carlos Martin has been returned to the prison after having spent 1 day in two different hospitals. His lawyer reports that on arrival to the hospital he was put in a chair with his hands tied behind his back, and was continually beaten and kicked by police throughout the night. As for the other prisoners, they are all starting to get into a critical condition. Sulieman Dakduk is unable to move from his bed. Simon Chapman is unable to sleep, and Fernando Perez is passing blood. [Report here]

Nov 3: Carlos Martin Martinez was admitted to hospital on Monday evening after 30 days without food, IMC-Thessaloniki reports.