Facts about Israel!
Rockwell | 19.09.2003 09:27
In 1947-48 most Palestinian arabs chose to leave Palestine of their own accord they were not forced out. As well as the massacre at Deir Yessen in which a hundred arabs died there were also many massacres of Jewish people by arabs at that time as well.
20 per cent of Israelis are arabs who have more freedom and a higher standard of living than arabs living in neighbouring arab countries.
Israel is not illegally occupying the West Bank and Gazatrip it won them from Eygpt and Jordon after the six day war in 1967.
The UN resolutions asking for Israel to leave the West Bank and Gaza strip are advisory and non binding. Israel cannot leave them until it has negotiated a peace settlement with the Palestinian authority, but so far the Palestinian authority has refused any peace offer.
In the year 2000 Israel offered the Palestinians a state based on 97 per cent of of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Yassar Arafat flatly refused the peace offer.
Isreal is targetted daily by suicide bombers it has the right to defend itself and its people. The attacks on Palestinian areas are aimed at routing out terrorists, they are not unprovoked acts of aggression or acts of war. Israel has asked the Palestinian authority to help in routing out terrorists. But the Palestinian authority has done virtually nothing to stop terrorist attacks on Israel.
If the Palestinian terrorist organisations laid down their arms there would be peace. If Israel laid down its arms there would be no Israel.
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