Outcry Mental Health Conference
Philippa Willitts | 07.08.2003 00:30 | Health | Social Struggles | London
Conference highlights; ‘message in a bottle’ campaign, ( a protest against government plans to impose yet more forced medication ) workshops, presentations, speaker’s corner and other attractions that’ll give everybody the opportunity to get involved. This interactive conference will give everyone attending the chance to voice their opinions, and contribute towards a direct survivor response to the government’s mental health proposals. Also, a chance to get involved in organising the initial stages of a nationwide ‘user and survivor alliance’ – promoting our direct voices and needs.
The event is being held on Saturday the 20th September 2003, 11.30am - 5.00pm, at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 235 Shaftesbury Avenue, London.
Cost; £1 entry fee, 50p for coffee, tea and biscuits.
Since conference space is limited to no more than 200 attendees, we ask that people book a place if they wish to come along. ( Booking is free. ) For more information or to book a place, email; info@outcryconference.co.uk
or phone; 07792064974
( Although this event is being held in a church building, the rooms being used for the conference have a non - religious atmosphere. The conference has no religious connections and makes no spiritual judgements. The venue was chosen because of it's affordable facilities, and not for any philosophical reason. )
Philippa Willitts
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