Outcry Mental Health Conference
Philippa Willitts | 07.08.2003 00:30 | Health | Social Struggles | London
OUTCRY; a conference of direct user and survivor voices, speaking out against prejudice and government proposals to increase compulsion.
The opinions of people who've been diagnosed with mental health problems are all too often ignored. This independent conference is being organised and run by psychiatric users and survivors in an attempt to promote the value of our understanding. All the speakers will be people with direct experience of being diagnosed with a mental health problem or personality disorder.
Conference highlights; ‘message in a bottle’ campaign, ( a protest against government plans to impose yet more forced medication ) workshops, presentations, speaker’s corner and other attractions that’ll give everybody the opportunity to get involved. This interactive conference will give everyone attending the chance to voice their opinions, and contribute towards a direct survivor response to the government’s mental health proposals. Also, a chance to get involved in organising the initial stages of a nationwide ‘user and survivor alliance’ – promoting our direct voices and needs.
The event is being held on Saturday the 20th September 2003, 11.30am - 5.00pm, at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 235 Shaftesbury Avenue, London.
Cost; £1 entry fee, 50p for coffee, tea and biscuits.
Since conference space is limited to no more than 200 attendees, we ask that people book a place if they wish to come along. ( Booking is free. ) For more information or to book a place, email; info@outcryconference.co.uk
or phone; 07792064974
( Although this event is being held in a church building, the rooms being used for the conference have a non - religious atmosphere. The conference has no religious connections and makes no spiritual judgements. The venue was chosen because of it's affordable facilities, and not for any philosophical reason. )
Conference highlights; ‘message in a bottle’ campaign, ( a protest against government plans to impose yet more forced medication ) workshops, presentations, speaker’s corner and other attractions that’ll give everybody the opportunity to get involved. This interactive conference will give everyone attending the chance to voice their opinions, and contribute towards a direct survivor response to the government’s mental health proposals. Also, a chance to get involved in organising the initial stages of a nationwide ‘user and survivor alliance’ – promoting our direct voices and needs.
The event is being held on Saturday the 20th September 2003, 11.30am - 5.00pm, at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 235 Shaftesbury Avenue, London.
Cost; £1 entry fee, 50p for coffee, tea and biscuits.
Since conference space is limited to no more than 200 attendees, we ask that people book a place if they wish to come along. ( Booking is free. ) For more information or to book a place, email; info@outcryconference.co.uk
or phone; 07792064974
( Although this event is being held in a church building, the rooms being used for the conference have a non - religious atmosphere. The conference has no religious connections and makes no spiritual judgements. The venue was chosen because of it's affordable facilities, and not for any philosophical reason. )
Philippa Willitts
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