Why is Blair on the Rocks?
Anti-Globalist | 03.06.2003 22:09
Those on the left who believe in magic ie that Bagdad fell in a day whilst all the other Iraqui cities took weeks are arguing in the same manner as the newsnetworks who have their corporate dollar to hide from freefall-hence the necessity and obligation of hiding the truth:
-Bush has once more has gone to the UN whom he bypassed.
-Once more there is talk about an Israeli-Palestinian agreement.
-Garner has been sacked (pushed or kicked?)
-Did Blair know there were no WMD?
Why are all the above being revealed and why did we have Cook and Shorts views plastered everywhere?
-Either they are deliberately looking for a way to get of Iraq as quickly as possibly by deliberately pushing the line that Blair is a clown so the UN can send in troops as it has recently done in the Congo
-Or they have beaten iraqui resistance and they will govern it on their own and Blair will weather the storm.
Time will tell...
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