Why is Blair on the Rocks?
Anti-Globalist | 03.06.2003 22:09
Behind every big fortune there is a crime goes a popular saying. One could add behind every political revelation there is an Alistair Campbell with a hidden agenda.l
Those on the left who believe in magic ie that Bagdad fell in a day whilst all the other Iraqui cities took weeks are arguing in the same manner as the newsnetworks who have their corporate dollar to hide from freefall-hence the necessity and obligation of hiding the truth:
-Bush has once more has gone to the UN whom he bypassed.
-Once more there is talk about an Israeli-Palestinian agreement.
-Garner has been sacked (pushed or kicked?)
-Did Blair know there were no WMD?
Why are all the above being revealed and why did we have Cook and Shorts views plastered everywhere?
-Either they are deliberately looking for a way to get of Iraq as quickly as possibly by deliberately pushing the line that Blair is a clown so the UN can send in troops as it has recently done in the Congo
-Or they have beaten iraqui resistance and they will govern it on their own and Blair will weather the storm.
Time will tell...
Those on the left who believe in magic ie that Bagdad fell in a day whilst all the other Iraqui cities took weeks are arguing in the same manner as the newsnetworks who have their corporate dollar to hide from freefall-hence the necessity and obligation of hiding the truth:
-Bush has once more has gone to the UN whom he bypassed.
-Once more there is talk about an Israeli-Palestinian agreement.
-Garner has been sacked (pushed or kicked?)
-Did Blair know there were no WMD?
Why are all the above being revealed and why did we have Cook and Shorts views plastered everywhere?
-Either they are deliberately looking for a way to get of Iraq as quickly as possibly by deliberately pushing the line that Blair is a clown so the UN can send in troops as it has recently done in the Congo
-Or they have beaten iraqui resistance and they will govern it on their own and Blair will weather the storm.
Time will tell...
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03.06.2003 23:05
How can you inquire AFTER an event which cost several thousand lives, maimings and the destruction of a country?
This was not a friggin' train crash....requiring a public inquiry! It was a preplanned incursion and occupation of a sovereign nation under false pretences.
What can the government say? Woops....sorry! And the Tories were baying for this war to "disarm Iraq" louder than Blair.
It's time to take back the House of Commons, for the people, by the people, before they kill anymore innocent people.
Saddam in hiding
it is all a train crash
04.06.2003 01:11
well you are right, how can you
'hold an enquiry'???
but you see it is 'all' a train crash, and air disaster
a missing/murdered school child...
all at once...
that is their war...
a war of emergency
a war that emerges from the notion
of emergency...
it is a corporate diktat
that is now their idea of society works...
a con that lasts forever and you are paying for it
with taxes...
by saying there will be an enquiry the poweres that be are
trying to get the sheeple to accept war as the NORM...
an acceptable part of 'modern' society...
another tax deductable mistake...
they've been doing it now for years (4 ever!?)
and when all the wars join up it will be too late
for the sheeple(you and me, don't kid yourself!!!)
to do anything about it...
i now believe it is time for a new tack in the war against war mongers
all out fucking anger?
oops beeen done
imagine a jehovas witness who come to your door
invite them in!!!!
it freaks them out...big time!!!
i know it's not in the same league as all this ACTION....
(i think it is good , by the way....go go go)
but imagine the looks on the faces of all the so-called security forces, and the frustration....
defendeing a place that is completly
and utterly EMPTY, NOTHING!!!
also the secret services would go absolutely NUTS not knowing what the fuck was going on!!!
we all become so underground we become a major intolerance...
strangely like the terrorists they say are everywhere...
but cannot be found....
ranting as ever
love captain wardrobe
captain wardrobe
Thick as a brick
04.06.2003 09:09
Saddam still in hiding
Blair the LIAR
04.06.2003 09:44