EasyJet Subvert - Do It Yourself!
Katy | 28.06.2003 23:19 | Culture | Education
Altered EasyJet Ad
To make the text big enough to (mostly) cover up the two-foot disembodied breasts: print it off on a normal A4 sheet (wide not tall). Cut the sheet in half to create two A5 sheets. Use a photocopier to blow each one up to A3 (ask someone at the librairy/newsagent for help with this). Tape them back together. Stick them on with wallpaper paste (costs about £2 from DIY shops).
Here's the text of the subvert, please alter it to more accurately reflect your own sense of outrage:
Thank you, EasyJet, for this sexist, dated image which you have imposed upon our community. I thought this kind of blatant, woman-as-a-piece-of-meat imagery disappeared in the seventies. It’s nice to know that, even in these modern times, corporations can still be counted upon to undo fifty years of Womens’ Liberation in order to make an EasyAdvertisingGimmick. I guess peddling this kind of EasySleaze is Easy-er than coming up with a real ad design. Every time I walk past this ad, I contemplate how the female body has once again been commodified and devalued by some corporation out to make an EasyBuck, while promoting cheap short-distance flights at a time when greenhouse emissions from your EasyJets contribute to climate change at an unprecedented rate, almost certainly leading to EasyMajor-Climatic-Disasters-And-Large-Scale-Environmental-Devastation within my lifetime.
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