Protests at EU Summit in Thessaloniki
15.06.2003 23:00 | Thessaloniki EU | Social Struggles | World
Thursday 19 June The Greek Social Forum, an umbrella of leftists, NGO, trade unions and students, called for a demo about immigration in the center of Thessaloniki [Report | Pics | collection of pics] | Friday 20 June Demo in Chalkidi | Saturday 21 June Demo in the city of Thessaloniki.
Practical Information | Schedule [1 | 2]
Reporting Up-to-Date confirmed and unconfirmed information from the streets -> Indymedia Dispatch | Timelines (es) | Live multilingual radio stream being broadcast by anarchists who have taken over the University Law Faculty's computer lab. Use Zinf, WinAmp, iTunes, or XMMS to open the stream from .
Thessaloniki anti-EU demo