Protests at EU Summit in Thessaloniki
15.06.2003 23:00 | Thessaloniki EU | Social Struggles | World
This year's EU summit takes place in Chalkidi near Thessaloniki, 19 to 21 June, under the Greek presidency of the EU. Several groups have called for actions: Struggle Initiative Thessaloniki 2003 set up camp in the university campus in the center. Antiauthoritarian Movement Salonika 2003, also camping at the University, is organising an antiauthoritarian festival. The platform Action Thessaloniki 2003 are preparing conferences and demos.
Thursday 19 June The Greek Social Forum, an umbrella of leftists, NGO, trade unions and students, called for a demo about immigration in the center of Thessaloniki [Report | Pics | collection of pics] | Friday 20 June Demo in Chalkidi | Saturday 21 June Demo in the city of Thessaloniki.
Thursday 19 June The Greek Social Forum, an umbrella of leftists, NGO, trade unions and students, called for a demo about immigration in the center of Thessaloniki [Report | Pics | collection of pics] | Friday 20 June Demo in Chalkidi | Saturday 21 June Demo in the city of Thessaloniki.
Practical Information | Schedule [1 | 2]
Reporting Up-to-Date confirmed and unconfirmed information from the streets -> Indymedia Dispatch | Timelines (es) | Live multilingual radio stream being broadcast by anarchists who have taken over the University Law Faculty's computer lab. Use Zinf, WinAmp, iTunes, or XMMS to open the stream from .