SHAME to Athens IMC editorial team ?
El Greco | 07.04.2003 08:08
following the orders of Miller – Tegopoulos, deliberately CLOSED down the IMC Athens , with childish excuses
SHAME to Athens IMC editorial team ?
There are strong accusations that the Athens IMC is CONTROLED from a leading Greek newspaper – ELEYTHEROPTYPIA. Mr. Tegopoulos, the owner of this news paper, is allied very close to the government , and a leading figure in the Greek media trying to control the left wing of the Greek society.
Mr. Miller (US ambassador) has visited the owners of the news papers also. There are accusations against the editorial team of Athens IMC, controlled from Mr. Tegopoulos ( Eleutherotypia) , that following the orders of Miller – Tegopoulos, deliberately CLOSED down the IMC Athens , with childish excuses.
It is very difficult for me to believe in coincidence, that is to have the server down for 4th day now, and no realistic explanation given.
El Greco
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