Athens, Greece: 20.000 on the road, 8 arrests
Alex from IMC Athens | 03.04.2003 14:36
One camera in front of the british embassy was hit and turned down by a group of activists.
At around 14.50 heavy riots with the police guarding the killer's embassy (US) started. 8 people have been arrested and at this moment around 300 people are gathered outside the main police station in Alexandras Avenue...
Ãéá üóïõò Åëëçíåò äéáâÜæïõí: ÊáôÜ ôéò 14.30 îåêßíçóáí ÷ïíôñÜ åðåéóüäéá ìå ôïõò ìðÜôóïõò, êïíôÜ óôçí áìåñéêÜíéêç ðñåóâåßá. ÔÁ ñáäéïüöùíá ëÝíå üôé Ý÷ïõí ôñáõìáôéóôåß 2 ìðÜôóïé êáé Ý÷ïõí ðñïóá÷èåß 8 Üôïìá, åíþ åßíáé óå åîÝëéîç óõãêÝíôñùóç Ýîù áðü ôç ÃÁÄÁ. Áí êÜðïéïò äéáâÜæåé áðü ôçí ÁèÞíá, áò ðñïóèÝóåé...
Alex from IMC Athens
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