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Athens, Greece: 20.000 on the road, 8 arrests

Alex from IMC Athens | 03.04.2003 14:36 is currently down, not working and so on... So I'll write in English AND greek here

More than 20.000 people marched today in Athens, Greece, agaistn the us and UK-led war in Iraq. The march was really big, imagine that it started at around 11.00, the march started around 12.30 and it hadn't end until 15.00!
One camera in front of the british embassy was hit and turned down by a group of activists.
At around 14.50 heavy riots with the police guarding the killer's embassy (US) started. 8 people have been arrested and at this moment around 300 people are gathered outside the main police station in Alexandras Avenue...

Ãéá üóïõò Åëëçíåò äéáâÜæïõí: ÊáôÜ ôéò 14.30 îåêßíçóáí ÷ïíôñÜ åðåéóüäéá ìå ôïõò ìðÜôóïõò, êïíôÜ óôçí áìåñéêÜíéêç ðñåóâåßá. ÔÁ ñáäéïüöùíá ëÝíå üôé Ý÷ïõí ôñáõìáôéóôåß 2 ìðÜôóïé êáé Ý÷ïõí ðñïóá÷èåß 8 Üôïìá, åíþ åßíáé óå åîÝëéîç óõãêÝíôñùóç Ýîù áðü ôç ÃÁÄÁ. Áí êÜðïéïò äéáâÜæåé áðü ôçí ÁèÞíá, áò ðñïóèÝóåé...

Alex from IMC Athens


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What's up with IMC Athens?

03.04.2003 14:53

Thanks for the info on the demonstration - although we were all there. Lovely to see that camera down - and even lovelier to watch protestors taking the liberty to drop a line to express their feelings on the UK embassy wall :-)

Why is down? A DoS or just a technical issue? Anything we can do to help?

P.S. Please, use a different codeset for your comments in greek, as this one is unreadable.


Oh, and please..

03.04.2003 15:29

Could someone of the moderators collapse the currently three existing articles with the exact same body to one?

