Alternative Media resources on War on Iraq
transmitter | 25.03.2003 17:47
Indymedia is the first port of call for independent reporting direct from the streets. This website is currently choc-a-bloc with the very latest anti war protests, events and news from the UK and beyond. There's a specific Anti-War section as well as the usual rolling news headlines. Also a Protests page, demo's page and protestors' weapons inspectors round-up.
Schnews, the alternative weekly news sheet put together in Brighton, has been running front pages on the war for a while now. Common sense commentaries from the Chomsky's of this world, as well as well placed NGO rep's who give the anti-globalisation take to the current debacle. Plus - first hand reports from direct actions which never make it into the pages of the qualities. The website has a direct action against the war page, local anti war groups section, events, email groups.
Undercurrents, based in Cherwell, Oxford, is the video journalist collective, which came to prominence during the M11 road protests. They train up activists and lend out video equipment for them to record demo's and green/political events or projects. They also produce underground videos of the bigger protests, like Seattle or Genoa. The website has a section on anti-war latest, including footage of direct actions; a piece on media workers against the war; and an interview with Roddy Mansfield, an Undercurrents producer who gives the inside story on getting the world exclusive interview with Saddam Hussein. Also an interview with the woman who disarmed a US war plane with a hammer at Shannon airport, Ireland.
New Internationalist, the co-operative based magazine in Oxford, with editorial staff in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and US. Reporting mainly on issues of world poverty and inequality, it has a special feature on No War, with reports on protests from around the world. Also there's a campaigns page including B2 or not B2 about the use of Stealth bombers at RAF Fairford, plus a handy section on all the wars the US has undertaken down the years.
Z.mag is a huge website of independent critical thinking on political, cultural, social, and economic life in the US. Updated many times daily, it gets over 250,000 hits a week. Look out for Iraq Watch, antiwar materials, debates, recent links, and more. Z magazine is available in print as well as online. is another US project, this time from the Independent Media Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening and supporting independent and alternative journalism. Check out articles in the War on Iraq section: The Wars After Iraq, EnviroHealth: The U.S. Military's War on the Earth.
Urban75, based in Brixton, is one of the busiest, non-profit community websites - easily one of the busiest sites of its kind, recording well over a million hits a week. Check out the Punch George Bush section and the Protest Picture file. There are forums specifically on the anti-war movement.
CounterPunch is the US bi-weekly muckraking newsletter-with- radical-attitude. Check out the Glossary of Warmongering with such pearls as: 'democracy: a useful dictatorship of the remaining banana republic'.
See also:
Voices in the Wilderness | Democracy Now | Jay’s Leftist and Progressive Internet Resources Directory | Green anarchist magazine
Here’s a choice of adresses from the electrohippie collective's media resource:
Electronic Iraq | Peace News | Michael Moore’s site with an anti- war letter to G.W.Bush | Protest site War on Iraq | US based Anti-War organising site War-Times |
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