Commons Debate -- Blair
Keith Parkins | 18.03.2003 16:10
That is the impotrant point, aware of the facts.
The Blair speech was full of misleading information, and needs detailed analysis.
Inspecters left Iraq. No, we pulled them out so we could bomb Iraq.
Saddam would not let the inspecters back in. True, but only because Saddam feared it would be a spying mision for US/UK prior to attack.
French veto under any circumstances. No, French have said if there was not alternative tehey would authorise war on Iraq, but as some progress is being made would wish to see diplomacy continue.
If UN had said we had met a brick wall and no further progress possible, maybe war justified, but we have not yet met that impasse.
Later ....
Ian Duncan Smith claimed war on Iraq would not generate terrorism!!!!
Later absolute garbage by William Hague.
Very impressive speeches by Douglas Hogg (ex Tory minister) and John Denham (labour minister who resigned today).
Seveala of the speakers were out and out nutters.
Odious Clare Short, I will resign if no second UN resolution, has displayed her usual hypocricy, and refused to resign.
Debate started at 1230 and will continue to 10pm. Broadcast live on Radio 4, 198 kHz.
Thought: Deselection of Labour MPs who support Blair?
If Blair is so confident of his position, why no free vote?
Keith Parkins
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