Police brutality at Piccadilly last night
loveheart | 16.02.2003 11:56
I am a healthy and strong person but I'm not under any illusions that if I had stayed unconscious for longer, I would have got broken ribs, rather than a few cuts and bruises. My drum is damaged but mendable - those bastards wont put me out of action at all. I'm not scared of them. Its only since I got home that I've found a perfect imprint of a policemans boot on my leg - I have no idea what happened to me while unconscious. What I do remember was the look of pleasure in the eyes of the copper who got my drum - he'll be having a lovely wank tonight when he remembers attacking me, a 5"4, slightly built woman dressed in carnival costume who could barely stand up straight. What some people do to get their kicks, eh?
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never had any illusions about the police, but I thought I’d share this experience for the benefit of anyone who thinks ‘poor things, theyre only doing their job’. They love their job. They love the chance to beat defenceless women, it gives them hard ons. I cant speak for the motivation of the women, of course, I cant really imagine that.
I have no idea at the moment of what happened to the other people in the cordon, other than a few good mates who called me enquire after me and say they were ok too. I hope everyone escaped ok and that any injuries were minor.
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