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Police brutality at Piccadilly last night

loveheart | 16.02.2003 11:56

Last night a group of protesters in solidarity with those inside the police cordon at Picadilly were caught and crushed between two police lines. Read the account of a samba drummer who was attacked by police while lying unconscious on the floor.

At approximately 8 o clock the people who had turned out in solidarity with the Picadilly sit in were being pushed from both sides by two columns of police who had surrounded them. Those pushed were trapped in an ever decreasing space, and I found myself, a member of the samba band being pushed agressively by a policeman who had his fists in my kidneys. Scuffles were breaking out as police became violent. The pushing became more severe until people were being crushed, and I got my drum harness caught around my neck, where it began to strangle me. When I tried to explain this I was pushed all the more viciously, until I fainted. While upon the ground I was trampled by the police, and regained consciousness with several of them pulling at me, trying to make me stand up, and saying 'she's just pratting about, make her get up'. They stole my drumsticks by bending my fingers backward, and tried to snatch my drum, not reolising it was attatched to me. When they did, a new group of bullies began unfastning it from my body and one of them lifted it over his head and threw it as hard as he could, then the same treatment was given to me.
I am a healthy and strong person but I'm not under any illusions that if I had stayed unconscious for longer, I would have got broken ribs, rather than a few cuts and bruises. My drum is damaged but mendable - those bastards wont put me out of action at all. I'm not scared of them. Its only since I got home that I've found a perfect imprint of a policemans boot on my leg - I have no idea what happened to me while unconscious. What I do remember was the look of pleasure in the eyes of the copper who got my drum - he'll be having a lovely wank tonight when he remembers attacking me, a 5"4, slightly built woman dressed in carnival costume who could barely stand up straight. What some people do to get their kicks, eh?
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never had any illusions about the police, but I thought I’d share this experience for the benefit of anyone who thinks ‘poor things, theyre only doing their job’. They love their job. They love the chance to beat defenceless women, it gives them hard ons. I cant speak for the motivation of the women, of course, I cant really imagine that.
I have no idea at the moment of what happened to the other people in the cordon, other than a few good mates who called me enquire after me and say they were ok too. I hope everyone escaped ok and that any injuries were minor.

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What do you expect!

16.02.2003 12:40

What do you pacifist idiots expect! You can't stop war by being peaceful and the police are paid to push protesters about and protect property, they are not paid to be nice to people. The person who wrote that article must be very niave indeed. The only way to stop war is with violent direct action. As the anarchist slogan goes "If you want peace prepare for war!"


Have no illusion either -

16.02.2003 12:53

- you could have been shot!!!

Musical instruments are often mistaken for dangerous weapons!!! And with all those warnings (even the lies) it is only "natural" some responsible members of society take precautions.

I even prevented my 8-year old son from bringing a banana to the March. God knows, what that could be mistaken for - a banana???

Pity I missed the music this time (we stole a march by moving towards Hyde Park earlier).

Hope you recover soon, and go on to make even more "dangerous" music.

If need be, I'll help you across the street next time ;))

Shame some people just can't relax to great music!!!

I like the sight of men in uniform (mmmmm...smooch smooch) but I have no time for "SWAT" tactics on little women.

Not SirPuffyfaceMullofKintired

Harlequin you talk shit.

16.02.2003 13:16

So did you take 'em all on yourself H? Did ya go a start some prop. damage? did you fuck- you're full of wind and piss. You're a right wing fiction suit. clueless nobody

Solidarity to all those 'naive' people who rocked the city yesterday.


Harlequin: Grow up / Bugger off

16.02.2003 13:33

Sick and tired of your posts, mostly always complaining and being critical, almost always diverting the discussion away from the original post, pushing your aganda everywhere you can.


To everyone else, keep reporting the news.


Right slogan

16.02.2003 13:41


Harlequeen, you got that slogan wrong!!!

It should be "IF YOU WANT PISS... blah blah.."

Renta analkiss

witnesses wanted & ting

16.02.2003 14:41

If there are any witnesess out there, get in contact via rhythms website as I am putting in a complaint for compensation of my drum.

Incedentally Harlequin that fancy hippy monika dont suit you - youre a coppa aincha? Mabe you'll have a nice wank about it all as well. I agree that floating about doin nothing acheives fuck all, so anyone who isnt prepared to go up against the police lines as I am, rather than just talk about it, aint fit to sniff my shiny shorts. Now go polish yer boots like a good boy.

Lots of luv,


Well . . .

16.02.2003 14:55

Actually it was B.H Liddell-Hart (a former British army officer and founder of the Department of War Studies at King's College London) who said "If you want peace, prepare for war." I know this because I am a former student of the said institution.

And I don't think B.H Liddell-Hart was an anarchist!

I witnessed the incident at Piccadilly last night. The police reaction was well over-the-top, and the TSG also blatantly assaulted some bystanders who had nothing to do with the demonstration.

This shouldn't surprise us - the cops have orders to beat up anyone who threatens to take the war to Mr Blair's doorstep. I predict that some people will be badly injured by police violence in the first few days of the war.

Interestingly enough, I had a visit from the Serious Crime Public Order Unit last September. Among other things, they tried to pump me for information about upcoming anti-war protests. They wanted this information "in the interests of public safety". I informed them that, since the only violence on antiwar demonstrations is perpetrated by the police, they might as well fuck off.

PS: Will you please stop buzzing my garden with your helicopter. It's really beginning to annoy my neighbours. I have a SAM/7 and I'm considering shooting it down.


Anarchist Rioter.

Anarchist Rioter

Hope yer ok Luvheart

16.02.2003 15:03

I'm sorry to hear that luvheart.
bastard coppers. a peaceful march with the cameras gone and they take their chance to act like the pitbulls they really are.

daniel gurney

Lovely rhythm

16.02.2003 15:52

I was a sit-downer arrested (and then disappointingly "de-arrested") at Piccadilly Circus. During the stand-off, when we were surrounded the most fabulous support came from the drummers who had people bouncing on both sides of the divide.

Thanks loveheart, you made my day!


Kings' army staff training outfit......

16.02.2003 21:01


Actually, Liddell-Hart nicked that from one Sun Tzu of "Art of War" fame. Like everything else we rarely give credit to source for things we plunder (and plagiarise). Nasty habits from the old imperialistic days, no doubts!!!

And must you use words like "I know...". It is so boring - Tony Blair knows, Bush knows, ...

Perhaps as one old boy of King's War Studies you could enlighten audience here about researches that go on on contract for "funny" institutions like the CIA, US Dept of Defense, US Military, satellite imaging, GPS etc etc.

You should "know" about those (nudge nudge, wink wink..??)

PrinceZorba 2nd Battln Parasite Regiment

Kings' army staff training outfit......

16.02.2003 21:05


Actually, Liddell-Hart nicked that from one Sun Tzu of "Art of War" fame. Like everything else we rarely give credit to source for things we plunder (and plagiarise). Nasty habits from the old imperialistic days, no doubts!!!

And must you use words like "I know...". It is so boring - Tony Blair knows, Bush knows, ...

Perhaps as one old boy of King's War Studies you could enlighten audience here about researches that go on on contract for "funny" institutions like the CIA, US Dept of Defense, US Military, satellite imaging, GPS etc etc.

You should "know" about those (nudge nudge, wink wink..??)

PrinceZorba 2nd Battln Parasite Regiment


17.02.2003 19:31

Just after the last Bradford march I had a sttiker on my coat, one of thaost Anarchy ones with the police van logo changed to Pork insead of police. I was regularly asked why I adorned such an inflametry stiker. The fact is because I have never been helped by the police on the contary when I have called for help they only threten arest .

I marched in the Black Block and from the start we were hasled by the police. I always find it helps if I point out the nice pink bits on my steal-toe-caps. They do love thier job but we must not lower our selves to thier leval, dont go in for mindless violence. Violence is the last resort.

PS. take a pick of that bruse and push your case.

Anarchy Cat

police violence

17.02.2003 20:44

Well done to everyone involved with the sit-down.
I noticed the cops did get progressively more vicious
as time went on and we refused to be good little sign

I personally was dragged around quite a bit (luckily
I was wearing multiple layers :) Then, sitting down
on a different bit of road, me and another were given
wrist-locks. She was convinced they had broken her wrist
and went into shock.

They refused to call a medic, saying they were busy
'controlling the crowd' - which I think sums up police
priorities quite well.

The vicious wristlocker (tho I'm sure he wasn't the
only one by a long way) was KO 443.

The cops are too stupid to realise the trouble they are
storing up for themselves with every trucheon blow, wrist
lock and act of sadism. Then they wonder where all the
anger comes from when riots erupt!

Anyway, I'm sure none of us will let it stop us - though
there are always lessons to be learnt. Let's get smarter,
and more effective!



19.02.2003 13:17

I was at the picadilly sit down and I was SHOCKED to see policemen, supposedly protectors of our citizens, violently dragging and throwing men and women around. Who the FUCK do they think they are? If I'd had a machine gun I'd have fuckin shot um. All we were doing was sitting down peacefully. Who says who owns the road? It's our earth as much as the states or anyone elses. Thank God there's a God of Love and Justice.

steve edwards
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