Anarchists in Cardiff anti-war protest
Lala bo | 20.01.2003 13:05
The action brought many a smile as taking part in the protest were figures that appeared to be George Bush and Santa Claus! Other marchers responded by holding an unplanned sit-down protest in support.
The Anarchists said that they resorted to direct action because the government finds it so easy to ignore traditional marches and protests. „400,000 people marched through London and no-one took the slightest bit of notice. The government doesn‚t give a damn about the views of the ordinary person in the street. If the anti-war movement is going to have any impact whatsoever it has to move to direct action and civil disobedience, it has to involve people in active opposition to the war and government machine, it has to get people to take back control of what‚s being done in their name.‰
The action ended with the arrest of two of the blockaders, including Santa Claus who was last seen being bundled unceremoniously into the back of a police van.
Lala bo
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