Nazis, conspiracy theorists and RUC spindoctors..
ANL | 10.01.2003 00:29
so far this week we've had stupid BNP press releases about mercury fillings - why do the Nazis think we care what they think about mercury? Is this a new ploy to try and get support? We've had dangerous and bizarre conspiracy theories about Sept 11 and the usual whinings about "freedom of speech" whenever a Nazi article is challenged. Nazis don't get freedom of speech. They're scum and they deserve to be gassed, or at the very least have their legs broken. Then they'd think twice about joining the BNP/NF nationalist group.
what the fuck is it with the PSNI (same RUC pigs) spindoctors on the forum?? Bullshit articles talking about how "brave" these macho right-wing religious bigots who team-up with gangsters like Adair to screw-up working class areas with crack and beat-up women. "The PSNI cares about human right" - yeah right, keep dreaming jonny mcIvor.
someone needs to kick these arseholes off our news wire!
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