Earth 'will expire by 2050' and Lottocracy (revised)
Ad van der Ven | 13.07.2002 11:31
Firstly, the book discusses the main world problem of today, which is the gradual, but lethal change of the soil and atmosphere. The problem has also recently been described in a study by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), which has been released last Tuesday. The authors of the WWF report warn that the human race is plundering the planet at a pace that outstrips its capacity to support life. Secondly the book discusses the main cause, which is the worldwide overpopulation, and, finally, it discusses the main solution, which is world government by lottocracy. The latter is necessary to enforce a 'one child per couple per life' policy for ALL people. This, until the load is lifted from nature, which is roughly the case when the world population is about the size of five million instead of five billion (*), as it is now. According to the author lottocracy is the only obvious, and the only fair way of attaining world government.
The idea of lottocracy is shortly described at the end of the chapter: Democracy and Things. According to the author it is a logical, fair, and scientific way to form a world government. All citizens are put into a file of a computer, the computer produces two citizens at random every day, out of the group of say, 45 year olds, and they are the conscripts for a year, starting that very day. In another book of the same author, called Tao Stoics, also available as electronic book (, the author suggests three persons instead of two (see Tao Stoic 200). The selected ones are conscripts in the service of mankind, and their service of one year, includes three months for instruction in procedures, and in understanding scientists. Scientists are needed for advice. When they govern, they know hardly a thing about the matter in hand but they have a conscience and the advise of scientists, to make proper decisions. Then, their office is right on the campus of a scientific establishment, so they can get all the advice necessary, and fast. Every day two (or three) join up, every day two (or three) are just finished. They need not stay on for the finishing of a job, they can just go. They are located all over the globe, they cannot therefore become a group or party with interests of their own, but are electronically linked up. There is no, absolutely no, secrecy and they are solely interested in the well being of mankind, in man's rights & duties, in human dignity. In this way they are just co-operatives. The concept of lottocracy is described in more detail in the chapter: A Concept for Government (see also
The principle of lottocracy can be used on the level of cities, of hemispheres, and, of course, for the whole planet. It is a recipe for the solution of the one and only problem that is facing mankind, which is his own extermination by his own hands. It is argued that world problems ask for world solutions and that this is solely a question of re-education. All man-made problems are ideational (and number dependent), not physical, thus, an ideational (educative) solution is required. It is furthermore held forth that the partial solutions one hears of, such as the recycling of raw materials, the use of clean energy, the purification of waste water, etc., are no solutions at all, but, in the long run, make the problem even worse. Additionally, it is contended, that, the integration of all world citizens should be enhanced by the introduction of the world-language, which is English, the mostly spoken second language today.
The whole idea of the book is also summarized in Tao Stoic 17.
"Master, the pollution of the seas, rivers, the air, famine here, rich abundance of food wastage there, the costly waste of men and material in wars, the yokels so rich yet knowing not what to do with there lives, the churches of superstition that kill and kill, the diplomats and presidents that know less about Nature than schoolboys, what human stupidity!"
"Indeed. But what is the remedy?"
"A fair and sane world-government!"
"And for that, what is needed?"
"The World-language, the integration of all world-citizens, instead of uniting them under the straightjacket of resolutions and agreements. Then, there is 'de-population', necessary because of the NUMBER-DEPENDENCY of our problems. One-Pro-Mille is enough for Earth."
"Good. But there is one thing more critical for this, one most fundamental criterion. These world-citizens should be brought up in the Way. Free Thinking, Happy, persons not under laws, but furnished with an inner code of rationality, of being gentle and always preferring the True Word."
(*) The book was written in 1985.
Ad van der Ven
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