Americans have been illegalised on their own country!
Claude de Contrecoeur (biologist) | 14.03.2002 12:07
This story is going to go around the world,since it is so hilarious! :-))))
In the most comical legal action of the previous and this centuty it now appears that Americans have illegalised their own SELF on the territory of the United-^States of America!!!
This story is going to go around the world,since it is so hilarious! :-))))
Americans have been illegalised on their own country! Please spread this HILARIOUS NEWS,since it is absolutely true!!!
Here are some funny news :-) :
I read that the U.S has illegalised a derivative of butyrate,namely GAMMA-hydroxybutyrate.
Any quantity of Gamma-OH has been put on the same level as....heroin and cocaine! :-)))))
What is funny in this,is that all meat,including our own human "meat",contain something like 4 mgr
of Gamma-OH per kg since it is a natural metabolite of mammals!!!
So a human beeing of,let say,8O kgs will contain something like 3OO mgr of the "illegal" Gamma-OH.... HILARIOUS!!!!!!! :-)))))))
Therefore,we can conclude that Americans,out of their well-known dissociation,have illegalised their VERY OWN EXISTENCE. :-)))))
By LAW,Americans are,now,completelly illegal in the United-States of America....:-)))
Consequently,they should prosecute their own selves. :-))))
Hahaha. :-)
For more infos,see (From Dreams to Consci...
Claude de Contrecoeur (biologist)
Homepage: (From Dreams to Consciousness,1976-1997)