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Americans have been illegalised on their own country!

Claude de Contrecoeur (biologist) | 14.03.2002 12:07

In the most comical legal action of the previous and this centuty it now appears that Americans have illegalised their own SELF on the territory of the United-^States of America!!!

This story is going to go around the world,since it is so hilarious! :-))))

Americans have been illegalised on their own country!

In the most comical legal action of the previous and this centuty it now appears that Americans have illegalised their own SELF on the territory of the United-^States of America!!!

This story is going to go around the world,since it is so hilarious! :-))))

Americans have been illegalised on their own country! Please spread this HILARIOUS NEWS,since it is absolutely true!!!

Here are some funny news :-) :

I read that the U.S has illegalised a derivative of butyrate,namely GAMMA-hydroxybutyrate.
Any quantity of Gamma-OH has been put on the same level as....heroin and cocaine! :-)))))

What is funny in this,is that all meat,including our own human "meat",contain something like 4 mgr
of Gamma-OH per kg since it is a natural metabolite of mammals!!!

So a human beeing of,let say,8O kgs will contain something like 3OO mgr of the "illegal" Gamma-OH.... HILARIOUS!!!!!!! :-)))))))

Therefore,we can conclude that Americans,out of their well-known dissociation,have illegalised their VERY OWN EXISTENCE. :-)))))

By LAW,Americans are,now,completelly illegal in the United-States of America....:-)))

Consequently,they should prosecute their own selves. :-))))

Hahaha. :-)

For more infos,see (From Dreams to Consci...

Claude de Contrecoeur (biologist)
- Homepage: (From Dreams to Consciousness,1976-1997)