Catholic church press-gangs babies
apostate | 10.03.2002 15:21
Since I am a sensitive and thoughtful person I eventually found my own path to spirituality and decided that, for reasons of conscience, I no longer wished to be in the catholic club. So I wrote to the parish where I was baptised to ask them to remove my name from their list. I was told that my name could not be removed since it had been entered in indelible ink. I told them that we have marvellous stationery items like Tippex now so could they please remove MY name and reduce the number of catholics in the world by one to reflect true numbers.
I eventually wrote to the bishop whose reply was as follows:
"A name cannot be erased from the Baptismal Record since it records what took place and even if a person is excommunicated the name cannot be removed. I have consulted my Chancellor and all that can be done is to add a note in the margin, which I understand has already been done at your request. No person (regardless of whether of higher authority or whatever status) can direct differently."
Since the catholic church (among others) maintains their power by playing the numbers game (or bums on seats as my doctor calls it!) I am most concerned that the number of catholics in the world is not the truth - it should be reduced by at least one.
I am interested to know if there are others out there who are also included against their will.
Note that the vatican website allows for no communication. No questions allowed!
(Sorry if this gets posted twice - keep getting 'server down' message)
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