Black block NOT violent - capitlaism is!
Madame Cholet | 17.12.2001 23:23
How can you go on a march with people who are supposed to be your comrades and then turn around and defend police action and criticise the only people who have enough guts to put their liberty and health on the line by destroying property belonging to companies who are responsible for the deaths and misery of millions?
Don’t kid yourself, capitalism kills, about 15,000 children a day, to be precise. Just because it is going on on the other side of the world and away from our nice western comfort zone it can be easy for us to criticise, but that does not make it any less real for the victims of it.
I am not criticising you personally because I know that you, like the rest of us, are only products of the society that we live in, but please, open your mind and your heart to what is going on. The police come to us with weapons and violence, how can you say that we go to them with violence?
It is our rights as human beings living on a world which belongs to us to march down our streets and create an autonomous zone which is ours; The police are agents of oppression.
They are also individuals and human beings and I was there for them as much as I was there for any other oppressed human being, but they attack us and even would be happy to kill us, don’t kid yourself.
The black block were extremely restrained and pretty much only used "violence" if you want to call property damage "violence" against targets which can only be described as legitimate, and not human beings.
I saw the black block smashing property and when somebody working there tried physically to stop these 5 or so people physically, they did not respond with violence because, unlike the police, they respect life.
Police would smash you over the head for no reason, as you said.
The difference between them and us: we do what we do because we believe in it, we are the righteous and we have the truth on our side.
They are doing what they do for money. Like the nazis, they are "only doing their job" which is an evil and sick thing to do. They are allowing them.
Madame Cholet
Madame Cholet
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