Christmas is Cancelled
Santa Claus | 09.11.2001 14:58
The answer is - Christmas. I have just taken a stroll up Oxford Street. It is packed with bored, tired, stressed-out shoppers thronging the department stores. The system wants us to consume to fuel "global economic recovery" - in other words, consumption is good for bombing, maiming and killing. SO DON'T!!! Every X-mas card that you refuse to send, every present that you refuse to buy, is one less bullet, one less bomb for the capitalist war machine. Pass this message onto your friends and family. Let's make the high street the new front line in Bush's criminal war.
Just in case ol' Santa is accused of being a scrooge, you can still do all the other things that Christmas is meant for, like laughing, singing and having a good times with your mates (this is free). And if you're really desperate to blow some cash this December, for God's sake give it to a homeless person instead.
Ho ho ho, war & capitalism have got to go!
Santa Claus
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