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Christmas is Cancelled

Santa Claus | 09.11.2001 14:58

Santa says: Because of the terrorist war in Afghanistan, I have decided to cancel Christmas. My reindeer have voted unanimously to go on strike due to the threat of low-flying cruise missiles and bunker-busting bombs. Sorry kids, maybe the fun will be back on in a hundred years or so.

So the war continues . . . some US pundits (including New York Times correspondent Thomas Friedman) claim that the "War on Terror" will last one hundred years. A hundred years of bombing, mayhem and slaughter. The Stop the War Coalition, ARROW, and the SWP have all been organising to hold vigils and protests across the UK. The trouble is, no-one in the corridors of power is listening. Just to slap us in the face, the capitalist press (spearheaded by the Torygraph and the FT) have announced the "death" of anti-corporate activism. Up here in Lapland, we think this is a bit of a joke. So where can we hurt the capitalist war-mongers where it hurts?

The answer is - Christmas. I have just taken a stroll up Oxford Street. It is packed with bored, tired, stressed-out shoppers thronging the department stores. The system wants us to consume to fuel "global economic recovery" - in other words, consumption is good for bombing, maiming and killing. SO DON'T!!! Every X-mas card that you refuse to send, every present that you refuse to buy, is one less bullet, one less bomb for the capitalist war machine. Pass this message onto your friends and family. Let's make the high street the new front line in Bush's criminal war.

Just in case ol' Santa is accused of being a scrooge, you can still do all the other things that Christmas is meant for, like laughing, singing and having a good times with your mates (this is free). And if you're really desperate to blow some cash this December, for God's sake give it to a homeless person instead.

Ho ho ho, war & capitalism have got to go!

Santa Claus


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More job cuts...

09.11.2001 15:19

So does this mean that you will be laying-off your workforce of elves, then Santa? I suppose you'll blame that on the 'war' too, eh?
Well, least I'll get an extra mince pie and a bottle of stout on xmas eve!

Elves, Pixies and Faries Union rep.
mail e-mail:

aww come on Santa

09.11.2001 23:43

Come on Santa. Interest rates have been cut to their lowest rates since '63. Money pours out of the Federal Reserve. Now's the best time to borrow and spend ever. Don't tell me we can't have a great Christmas. For individuals, companies and nations. What??!! - don't try to tell me they'll hike those interest repayments to unprecedented levels within the year to fuck us all over. Don't believe it.

dwight heet

winter solstice 2011

10.11.2001 00:56

Anyway that 100 years stuff is A NONSENSE.We've only got a few years left before the polar shift(around 21st December 2011) to turn this thing around. To first get rid of the crap about Bush, Blair,WTC,Pentagon and the war. Sure as hell headed somewhere.
STOP ALL THIS MADNESS (Usama bin Hussain)

dwight heet

Gave it up years ago - never felt better!

10.11.2001 15:40

When I see the Christmas stuff begin to gather on the shelves around the end of September I feel so sorry for the poor sods this conditioning is aimed at.
I gave it up ten years ago and I'm happy to say that I now consider myself free of the manipulation of a system that is even willing to prostitute its own spiritual beliefs in the name of profit.
As Shakespeare said it is a custom "more honoured in the breach than the observance".
