SWP spoiling peace movement sounds like Australia
Anti-Facist | 15.10.2001 10:31
So devisive aren't they they even chant the same slogans as SWP in England. But then again in Australia one of the top people who "donates" tens of thousands of dollars Max Lane used to work for in the Indonesaian Embassy and got kicked out of Indoneasia for spyong . His boss at this time is the head of Australis overseas spy agenicy ASIS just by chance he gives most of his"pension" from the government to this Socialist Alliance.
No wonder they want to get the "contact details of everyone at the socalld movement building meetings". This is hopw the government spy agencies get infomation on social activists. I will no longer have anything to do with these cop spivs. Any group they are involved with in Australia they try to either take control of it or bust it up.
If you ask me they are a bunch of fascist that work against people movenments
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