SWP spoiling peace movement sounds like Australia
Anti-Facist | 15.10.2001 10:31
Sounds like what we got here in Australia that go under the title of Socialist Alliance they go to these meetings and stack them they say they are from different groups like Democartic Socialist party, international Socialist Organisation, Resistance, M1, S11 and Socialist Alliance and they call and get into arguments with people and want a representitivefrom each of these so called groups and then want to vote on it.
Sounds like what we got here in Australia that go under the title of Socialist Alliance they go to these meetings and stack them they say they are from different groups like Democartic Socialist party, international Socialist Organisation, Resistance, M1, S11 and Socialist Alliance and they call and get into arguments with people and want a representitivefrom each of these so called groups and then want to vote on it.
So devisive aren't they they even chant the same slogans as SWP in England. But then again in Australia one of the top people who "donates" tens of thousands of dollars Max Lane used to work for in the Indonesaian Embassy and got kicked out of Indoneasia for spyong . His boss at this time is the head of Australis overseas spy agenicy ASIS just by chance he gives most of his"pension" from the government to this Socialist Alliance.
No wonder they want to get the "contact details of everyone at the socalld movement building meetings". This is hopw the government spy agencies get infomation on social activists. I will no longer have anything to do with these cop spivs. Any group they are involved with in Australia they try to either take control of it or bust it up.
If you ask me they are a bunch of fascist that work against people movenments
So devisive aren't they they even chant the same slogans as SWP in England. But then again in Australia one of the top people who "donates" tens of thousands of dollars Max Lane used to work for in the Indonesaian Embassy and got kicked out of Indoneasia for spyong . His boss at this time is the head of Australis overseas spy agenicy ASIS just by chance he gives most of his"pension" from the government to this Socialist Alliance.
No wonder they want to get the "contact details of everyone at the socalld movement building meetings". This is hopw the government spy agencies get infomation on social activists. I will no longer have anything to do with these cop spivs. Any group they are involved with in Australia they try to either take control of it or bust it up.
If you ask me they are a bunch of fascist that work against people movenments
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Intelligence and Socialism
15.10.2001 10:56
The plot thickens or wot ? One thing for certain the intelligence services are not working for the good of the people, they like everyone else serve corporates / bankers.
odd job
Good for the rich
15.10.2001 12:06
Not true comrade. They are not the best thing since sliced bread but your comment that they are fascist is ridiculous. Useless comments like this are just what the rich like. It pits their opposition against itself instead of fighting them.
Maybe you are on their side?
commie bastard
How do apply for state funding?
15.10.2001 12:46
Someone asked me at the weekend whether this sort of posting was actually being made by the SWP to show us in a good light - ie organised, with clear arguments and perspective on how to build the movement. The answer is no, but when this sort of rant takes the place of political debate and people prefer to concentrate on how to exclude the SWP rather than building their own anti-war initiatives I can see where they get the idea.
Mike Arrowsmith
How do I apply for sate funding?
15.10.2001 12:48
Someone asked me at the weekend whether this sort of posting was actually being made by the SWP to show us in a good light - ie organised, with clear arguments and perspective on how to build the movement. The answer is no, but when this sort of rant takes the place of political debate and people prefer to concentrate on how to exclude the SWP rather than building their own anti-war initiatives I can see where they get the idea.
Mike Arrowsmith
Stop dividing the movement
15.10.2001 14:04
Our Australian comrades rant is not in the spirit of solidarity that is essential to the sucsess of our movement and is both mis-informed and misguided. To say that the socialist alliance is some sort of spy cover organisation or is intent on dividing the anti capitalist movement is absolute nonsense. The purpose of the socialist alliance is to unite the many disparate but quite frankly very similar groups that exist on the left and welcomes supporters to participate in its democratic and federal structure whether they are part of a marxist group or anti capitalist group or simply as individuals.
I expect the reason why our members have a disposition for asking for votes at meetings is because this is generally assumed to be the most democratic way of making descions. If you don't like it comrade may i suggest that it is you who are expressing anti movemen sentiments. As far as taking details are concerned could it be that this information is used to help organise action in the future?
Besides you don't have to give your details anyway and MI6 and government spies will already have info on most of us already, they can listen to all your phone calls, read your emails, trace your letters etc...as a movement we just have to live with this.
The Anarchist fraternity has many positive aspects which the left can learn from and many socilist groups could gain much from the excellent libertarian critques of power and centralisation espoused in both theory and practise. Unfortunately some Anarchists can also have a down side of rumour, heresay and attacking anyone who favours some sort of organisation or structure. I suggest that our Australian comrade concentrate on the real class enemy and not other socialists.
Homepage: www.socialistalliance.net
15.10.2001 15:24
In recent months the SWP has increased it's profile under the moniker Globalise Resistance- a somewhat strange phenomena, an anti capitalist group has branded the whole movement and at the same time bullied other groups into the margins whilst trampling all over the gains, ideas and startegies that these other groups have created. The anti-capitalist movement has existed for over a decade in the southern hemisphere and through the work of Peoples Global Action brought it to the fore of activist consciousness and now the general public. Yet the SWP and their co-whorts pay not a single tribute or recognition to struggles and sacrifices made by people that REALLY understand the issues of globalisation. They just hi-jack and infilitrate- rather like a virus. And there is still the issue of police collaboration surrounding the arrest of white overall activists in Brighton the other week. And rememer they are nothing but a government in waiting that will punish anyone that strays from the party line-just like any other "democratic" party. And I was at a "Stop The War" meeting recently in London, organised by the SWP and I saw the SWP chair carry votes that weren't counted, not allow individuals to speak against motions bacause they "didn't represent a group", decide a steering committe based on their own members, without opening it up to the floor to even nominate, let alone vote. The SWP is an anachronistic parasite that can't even realise why socialism has failed- it treats people as statistics and fails to recognise and respeond to individual needs- which is a major reason Hitler swung the vote- he appealed to the personal (but ending up playing on peoples' fears and paranoias). They are NOT democratic and exist as a centralised monolith that promotes nothing but shared poverty. Wake up!! Marx don't cut it any more, we need more personal and sophisticated analysis. The point is not to change- the parts we're working with are all fucked. We need to create. We need a thorough revaluation of our values and our relationship to the planet and ALL species. An affirative social ecology if you will. We need to start taking leaps instead of cowardly stumbles in the dark.
Are you for real?
15.10.2001 17:30
Just two questions.
1) What is worse - American imperialism or the SWP?
2) If all the alleged crimes of the SWP are true, how come so many people join them and read their paper to enable them to "bully" and "marginalise" everyone else. Are they all stupid or just gullible?
Oh, and on police collaboration perhaps it’s best not mention the ease with which the police infiltrated and manipulated the black bloc in Genoa.
Swamped by the SWP? Globalise resistance?
15.10.2001 19:34
One the things I've always found disturbing about the SWP and their Globalise Resistance vehicle is social amnesia they promote when it comes to events and groups that formed the core of the anti-capitalst movement before they decided to jump on board at the end of Novemebr 1999. It's just airbrushed out of history as if it never happened.
In response, all that trots such as 'amused' above can only offer is distortions and false choices between "American Imperialism and the SWP" -when instead what we neede to be doing is developing meaningfull forms of political activity.
The SWP like all forms of bolshevism essentially are only revolutionary on the level of rhetoric, of the spectacle, the political show. They loudly parade their miltant deeds such as selling outside mosques, factories and on marches, so they can disparage others. But they singularly fail to challange capitalist social relations in any direct form - either personally or collectively. Instead they simply seek to accumulate capital - funding and recruits for the party machine. In essense they are parasitic on the real struggles of our movement.
However what I find really worrying is, that through massive distribution of placards, posters and papers they can make it appear to people who are not already linked to the movement that they are somehow the driving force behind what's happening.
This can only inhibit communication between the different groups in stuggle and impede our progress. For example the samba action on last saturday's CND demo in London was attributed to Globalise resistence by on Indymedia, apparently because some onetold the reporter that's who we were.
SWP censorship
15.10.2001 20:55
e-mail: uno@union.org.za
SWP definition of sectarian
16.10.2001 01:14
Thus, anarchists are sectarian because they won't vote for them - the SWP/SA whatever front they put up. The SLP (stalinists) are sectarian because they stood candidates in the same places as the Socialist Alliance - even though one is pretty radical, and the other simply reformist.
People! Stick to your principles! And a big up to libertarian struggle!
from australia
16.10.2001 08:35
The Socialist Alliance is not the SWP
16.10.2001 10:15
Homepage: www.socialistalliance.net