Stand Strong Together
Rick | 08.10.2001 22:33
We are only human, by that very nature people will differ but everyone in our movement wants broadly the same. Peace and the destruction of capitalism. If we are genuine in our aims of changing the world (which will not happen over night and probably not in my lifetime) we have to stop the pathetic back biting that is going on at the moment. We need to stand side by side with each other. There are many different forms of socialism and many differing anarchist beliefs, but the difference are REALLY SMALL the one thing that we all HATE is capitalism and all the shit it brings, such as war etc (the list is endless and well known to all).
As a person who has his roots deeply in anarchist beliefs I have no qualms with voting for the socialist alliance (infact I have (and still am to be honest)) thinking of joining them and becoming an active member. The main reason being, I believe in compromise and also as I get older I have learnt to face the fact that no matter how hard I try, I cannot see how anarchism will really work or indeed how it could be achieved. The socialist alliance does stand a chance of being elected and changing things (boo hisssss I hear u cry) but the sad truth is there will be no revolution as such. The majority of people are too well off (thanx to credit I know). For that reason no matter how bad things get, Joe and Jill public will not join us in the streets in armed struggle. I (think) I am happy to work to spread the name of the socialist alliance. I work with a lot of lads (sun,mail,mirror readers) who when I’ve tested the water, warm to the policies of the S.A – such as protect the NHS, de-privatize the railways, tax the rich. In years gone by these same lads referred to me as aunty, because as they put it I was anti this and anti that with nothing to put in its place, they were not interested in anarchism….. I know I sound like I’m trying to recruit for the socialist alliance. I’m not honest, I haven’t even decided to join them myself. What I am saying is we must (its vital) stand united side by side regardless of our little differences.
What do u think ??????do I make any sense??? Pls. add your comments…
Cheers…. Feed the world – Starve the rich….Rick
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