Stand Strong Together
Rick | 08.10.2001 22:33
This side that side, blah, blah, blah. Is it possible for us to really come together and stop bickering amongst ourselves? We squabble amongst ourselves over petty little differences. The real enemy is military strong and steeped with indoctrination, so we have enough to contest with without all the in fighting going on.
We are only human, by that very nature people will differ but everyone in our movement wants broadly the same. Peace and the destruction of capitalism. If we are genuine in our aims of changing the world (which will not happen over night and probably not in my lifetime) we have to stop the pathetic back biting that is going on at the moment. We need to stand side by side with each other. There are many different forms of socialism and many differing anarchist beliefs, but the difference are REALLY SMALL the one thing that we all HATE is capitalism and all the shit it brings, such as war etc (the list is endless and well known to all).
As a person who has his roots deeply in anarchist beliefs I have no qualms with voting for the socialist alliance (infact I have (and still am to be honest)) thinking of joining them and becoming an active member. The main reason being, I believe in compromise and also as I get older I have learnt to face the fact that no matter how hard I try, I cannot see how anarchism will really work or indeed how it could be achieved. The socialist alliance does stand a chance of being elected and changing things (boo hisssss I hear u cry) but the sad truth is there will be no revolution as such. The majority of people are too well off (thanx to credit I know). For that reason no matter how bad things get, Joe and Jill public will not join us in the streets in armed struggle. I (think) I am happy to work to spread the name of the socialist alliance. I work with a lot of lads (sun,mail,mirror readers) who when I’ve tested the water, warm to the policies of the S.A – such as protect the NHS, de-privatize the railways, tax the rich. In years gone by these same lads referred to me as aunty, because as they put it I was anti this and anti that with nothing to put in its place, they were not interested in anarchism….. I know I sound like I’m trying to recruit for the socialist alliance. I’m not honest, I haven’t even decided to join them myself. What I am saying is we must (its vital) stand united side by side regardless of our little differences.
What do u think ??????do I make any sense??? Pls. add your comments…
Cheers…. Feed the world – Starve the rich….Rick
We are only human, by that very nature people will differ but everyone in our movement wants broadly the same. Peace and the destruction of capitalism. If we are genuine in our aims of changing the world (which will not happen over night and probably not in my lifetime) we have to stop the pathetic back biting that is going on at the moment. We need to stand side by side with each other. There are many different forms of socialism and many differing anarchist beliefs, but the difference are REALLY SMALL the one thing that we all HATE is capitalism and all the shit it brings, such as war etc (the list is endless and well known to all).
As a person who has his roots deeply in anarchist beliefs I have no qualms with voting for the socialist alliance (infact I have (and still am to be honest)) thinking of joining them and becoming an active member. The main reason being, I believe in compromise and also as I get older I have learnt to face the fact that no matter how hard I try, I cannot see how anarchism will really work or indeed how it could be achieved. The socialist alliance does stand a chance of being elected and changing things (boo hisssss I hear u cry) but the sad truth is there will be no revolution as such. The majority of people are too well off (thanx to credit I know). For that reason no matter how bad things get, Joe and Jill public will not join us in the streets in armed struggle. I (think) I am happy to work to spread the name of the socialist alliance. I work with a lot of lads (sun,mail,mirror readers) who when I’ve tested the water, warm to the policies of the S.A – such as protect the NHS, de-privatize the railways, tax the rich. In years gone by these same lads referred to me as aunty, because as they put it I was anti this and anti that with nothing to put in its place, they were not interested in anarchism….. I know I sound like I’m trying to recruit for the socialist alliance. I’m not honest, I haven’t even decided to join them myself. What I am saying is we must (its vital) stand united side by side regardless of our little differences.
What do u think ??????do I make any sense??? Pls. add your comments…
Cheers…. Feed the world – Starve the rich….Rick
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Okay but...
08.10.2001 22:56
trust yourself
08.10.2001 22:57
dwight heet
mature comment from rick
08.10.2001 23:24
re.swp i,m not sure about London, but in the provinces at least, (up north) the swp have provided an energy and some creativity to an sometimes low key anti-war movement and not dominated with millions of placards.
earnest old man
dont go there,friend
08.10.2001 23:45
keep your faith rick - better to think of a future consisting of autonomous and self-governing communities networking with others for the common weal - think positive - open your heart and mind and eyes - the wtc attack was a psychological operation trauma based thing designed to make people want to cling to hierarchical organisations whether government lies or oppositional organisations. keep your anarchism - you dont need to be anti this or that tho there is much to be opposed. we're desparately in need of some positive and loving stuff - dont surrender to this mind cage
dwight heet
in the resistance...
09.10.2001 01:36
Working in a disciplined way is also important - being careful about security, people's safety, challenging prejudice while working to keep people involved - it is hard when feelings run really deep and need to be expressed. But far better they get channelled into positive collective action which can expose the sham of capitalism, globalisation and now the War Against Terrorism (following hot on the heels of the War Against Drugs ~ but that's another story).
There's been much arguing within the anti-capitalist movement over different organisations, different tactics, different strategies for dismantling the human tragedy before us now. We need to put aside differences when we march together and celebrate differences when we engage in democratic dialogue & debate. What we need are 'people's forums' or something so that we can all get together and develop creative & practical solutions to the problems we face. We cannot leave it to the mainstream politicians - none of whom ever make any pretense at being socialists any more. But be warned - anti-capitalists can also include fascists & they are very much on the move - all the more important to organise a network of socialist alliances.
Part of the thing about working in a 'party' is that it allows community, trade union and political activists to learn from each other, support each other & promote a vision of social change that has been forged out of our collective experience. That's what set the SA manifesto in the last election apart. Everything in there came out of real life struggles and gave ordinary people a chance to vote for something that meant something to them.
You're right Rick about it going down well with people you work did & does make sense to alot of people. Now more than ever do we need things that help pull people into positive dialogue and action for our future. I'd say to anyone - get involved & help make the SA really something different in british politics - a zapatismo wind of change has taken place and it blows the sails of the new international resistance movement.
Most importantly get involved in your local Stop the War network & talk to people about what you want to see happen next. Talk to your workmates. Talk to people involved in the SA and people who aren't. We should be looking out for each other on this rocky road we're on - there's enough of us living in all the fuzzy space between the SWP (who I also respect & think have moved on alot in recent months/years in many ways) and the most anarchic of anarchist activist networks!
Take care & keep safe. Respect to you all out there.
red bird