despite ongoing censorship, pedophiles seek to defend selves from lies
Chuck D | 02.06.2001 03:36
Censorship is the normal fare if you happened to be born as a "pedophile", or child lover, and seek to speak about your positive feelings on this relatively recently demonized topic. While largely unaccountable institutions (like the therapeutic state, or all forms of media) force their particular dogma without even a telltale critique from the left, the *unfashionably* oppressed must eke out their own defence alone in circumstances similar to the WWII Jews.
despite ongoing censorship, pedophiles seek to defend selves from lies
No matter the actual individual cases, or people like myself who lead lives of abstinence in order to try to educate others about the prevalence of outright lies; we're *ALL* "not to be trusted, no matter what." My question is, when we start to get sent en masse to concentration camps, will everyone be just like the Germans in WWII?
Look, the "Question Authority" left is really no different from the leftists of World War II Germany in their shameful monsterousness. In fact, if the Jews and Gypsies of yesteryear could have been able to use the Net, one can certainly wonder how similar the mindset of then would be to the mindset of today. Largely ill-informed, blindly trusting unaccountable "Authority", the "sober" and "educated" public, including leftists, would give no sympathy to the "powerful", "rich", and "always clever" Jews and Gypsies.
A spectacular achievement of hype control
Since around 1975 (in the USA), the public has been systematically hyped up with the kind of one-sided information that would fit quite well into the repetoire of Nazi/German institutional policy towards their contrived enemies. Like any war, foreign or domestic, the public has really only been allowed to hear one side of the truth, if even that. And, as Noam Chomsky points out so well, even if a challenger group does get on the major media, they are faced with the problem of *concision*--no *time* alloted to understand apparently VERY strange ideas, and definitely no assitance in that regard from the so-called "objective" media personality.
The public has been hyped up to hate and fear people who literally risk their lives to try to tell people that they love kids in fully genuine ways--that they are NOT "rapists" nor "abusers", etc.; yet the public, including leftists of all stripes, don't even seem to see what is going on, nor care. Leftists in communities like this just goose-step on the command of the therapeutic state and the hysterical media, and allow people who actually care about and love kids (with many cases of kids doing so in return) to be completely ignored, and relegated to the kind of situation that makes marginalized people just go wonder some even turn to killing: When someone hates themselves so much and begins losing empathy for themselves--seeing themselves as a "monster", and when consensual sex is viewed as "worse than murder", some people will go over the deep end.
Isn't it about time this situation meaningfully changes? Increased totalitarian laws and bigoted attitudes only drive child lovers underground and away from the kind of community that can keep them holding onto sanity. The prevailing interests arrayed to block child lovers from interacting with kids consensually is not in the interests of a free people. Yet over and over again, the apparently "stupid masses" (like you) blindly trust whatever it is real power proclaims. Even though you are allegedly "critical" of such power! It's like you're playing some sort of really fucked-up game!
Woe be it for the next "enemy" in line--perhaps YOU or your kids will happen to be a member of the hardly understood group that is NEXT IN LINE?
Chuck D
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