despite ongoing censorship, pedophiles seek to defend selves from lies
Chuck D | 02.06.2001 03:36
Censorship is the normal fare if you happened to be born as a "pedophile", or child lover, and seek to speak about your positive feelings on this relatively recently demonized topic. While largely unaccountable institutions (like the therapeutic state, or all forms of media) force their particular dogma without even a telltale critique from the left, the *unfashionably* oppressed must eke out their own defence alone in circumstances similar to the WWII Jews.
Neither careful conformity to laws, nor allegations of "free speech" from liberals and other leftists has helped those people commonly referred to as "pedophiles", or child lovers, to hold onto a sustained defence of their point of view, whether organizational, or even individual, on the Net. Instead, after lip service about a internet service provider's (ISP's) orientation to "all views allowed", such pros often must quickly submit to conformity, or be dragged through the gauntlet of media hype and the lies that prevail in a culture of the professionally opportunistic.
No matter the actual individual cases, or people like myself who lead lives of abstinence in order to try to educate others about the prevalence of outright lies; we're *ALL* "not to be trusted, no matter what." My question is, when we start to get sent en masse to concentration camps, will everyone be just like the Germans in WWII?
Look, the "Question Authority" left is really no different from the leftists of World War II Germany in their shameful monsterousness. In fact, if the Jews and Gypsies of yesteryear could have been able to use the Net, one can certainly wonder how similar the mindset of then would be to the mindset of today. Largely ill-informed, blindly trusting unaccountable "Authority", the "sober" and "educated" public, including leftists, would give no sympathy to the "powerful", "rich", and "always clever" Jews and Gypsies.
A spectacular achievement of hype control
Since around 1975 (in the USA), the public has been systematically hyped up with the kind of one-sided information that would fit quite well into the repetoire of Nazi/German institutional policy towards their contrived enemies. Like any war, foreign or domestic, the public has really only been allowed to hear one side of the truth, if even that. And, as Noam Chomsky points out so well, even if a challenger group does get on the major media, they are faced with the problem of *concision*--no *time* alloted to understand apparently VERY strange ideas, and definitely no assitance in that regard from the so-called "objective" media personality.
The public has been hyped up to hate and fear people who literally risk their lives to try to tell people that they love kids in fully genuine ways--that they are NOT "rapists" nor "abusers", etc.; yet the public, including leftists of all stripes, don't even seem to see what is going on, nor care. Leftists in communities like this just goose-step on the command of the therapeutic state and the hysterical media, and allow people who actually care about and love kids (with many cases of kids doing so in return) to be completely ignored, and relegated to the kind of situation that makes marginalized people just go wonder some even turn to killing: When someone hates themselves so much and begins losing empathy for themselves--seeing themselves as a "monster", and when consensual sex is viewed as "worse than murder", some people will go over the deep end.
Isn't it about time this situation meaningfully changes? Increased totalitarian laws and bigoted attitudes only drive child lovers underground and away from the kind of community that can keep them holding onto sanity. The prevailing interests arrayed to block child lovers from interacting with kids consensually is not in the interests of a free people. Yet over and over again, the apparently "stupid masses" (like you) blindly trust whatever it is real power proclaims. Even though you are allegedly "critical" of such power! It's like you're playing some sort of really fucked-up game!
Woe be it for the next "enemy" in line--perhaps YOU or your kids will happen to be a member of the hardly understood group that is NEXT IN LINE?
No matter the actual individual cases, or people like myself who lead lives of abstinence in order to try to educate others about the prevalence of outright lies; we're *ALL* "not to be trusted, no matter what." My question is, when we start to get sent en masse to concentration camps, will everyone be just like the Germans in WWII?
Look, the "Question Authority" left is really no different from the leftists of World War II Germany in their shameful monsterousness. In fact, if the Jews and Gypsies of yesteryear could have been able to use the Net, one can certainly wonder how similar the mindset of then would be to the mindset of today. Largely ill-informed, blindly trusting unaccountable "Authority", the "sober" and "educated" public, including leftists, would give no sympathy to the "powerful", "rich", and "always clever" Jews and Gypsies.
A spectacular achievement of hype control
Since around 1975 (in the USA), the public has been systematically hyped up with the kind of one-sided information that would fit quite well into the repetoire of Nazi/German institutional policy towards their contrived enemies. Like any war, foreign or domestic, the public has really only been allowed to hear one side of the truth, if even that. And, as Noam Chomsky points out so well, even if a challenger group does get on the major media, they are faced with the problem of *concision*--no *time* alloted to understand apparently VERY strange ideas, and definitely no assitance in that regard from the so-called "objective" media personality.
The public has been hyped up to hate and fear people who literally risk their lives to try to tell people that they love kids in fully genuine ways--that they are NOT "rapists" nor "abusers", etc.; yet the public, including leftists of all stripes, don't even seem to see what is going on, nor care. Leftists in communities like this just goose-step on the command of the therapeutic state and the hysterical media, and allow people who actually care about and love kids (with many cases of kids doing so in return) to be completely ignored, and relegated to the kind of situation that makes marginalized people just go wonder some even turn to killing: When someone hates themselves so much and begins losing empathy for themselves--seeing themselves as a "monster", and when consensual sex is viewed as "worse than murder", some people will go over the deep end.
Isn't it about time this situation meaningfully changes? Increased totalitarian laws and bigoted attitudes only drive child lovers underground and away from the kind of community that can keep them holding onto sanity. The prevailing interests arrayed to block child lovers from interacting with kids consensually is not in the interests of a free people. Yet over and over again, the apparently "stupid masses" (like you) blindly trust whatever it is real power proclaims. Even though you are allegedly "critical" of such power! It's like you're playing some sort of really fucked-up game!
Woe be it for the next "enemy" in line--perhaps YOU or your kids will happen to be a member of the hardly understood group that is NEXT IN LINE?
Chuck D
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Pedophiles are just the cover...
02.06.2001 15:10
Luckily for him, he can use pedophiles to justify this and anyone who disagrees, well they are in favour of pedophilia... maybe even a pedophile. Given the harassment, suicides and beatings related to this, understandably people are shy to stand up and be counted.
This is just pandering to demonisation though. So often people will say what they see everyone else to be saying and whoever wrote that up there ^^^ was right, this is exactly how the germans decided that the jews were an inferior race.
This is happening with other labels as well. The anti-defamation league labels david icke an anti-semite. Now, i've read a few of his books and any thought of racism never entered my head, or apparently his, but if you stick an 'anti-semite' label on someone, you would be astounded at how easily people discredit him. There is not a shred of evidence that he is in any way racist, yet the pedophile effect is a way of short-cutting logic, and forcing people into a negative opinion.
This is idiotic! If we allow the media and the government to create prejudice instead of destroying it, then we are in deep trouble as a society.
Fuck prejudice, fuck stereotypes, we are all people and we all deserve a voice! I will never allow the corrupt, slimy governmental and social forces to dictate who I am, with their laws and their stereotypes, and nor should any of you, not EVER.
Paedophiles = child lovers?
02.06.2001 19:36
are probably causing those children serious emotional trauma and so they should be prevented from doing so.
It's not the same thing as two consenting adults who may be of the same sex or from the same family or whatever. Shagging children is like shagging sheep.
You may well not have a problem with sheep shaggers but the sheep hardly have any say in the matter.
the word paedophile does not mean 'child lover'.
It comes from the greek for child and the greek for love but that just means that the word was badly coined. A paedophile is specifically someone who is sexually attracted to children. Parents love their children but you wouldn't call the average parent a 'paedophile' would you.
I don't think paedophilia is acceptable. It may not be their fault but if I was a psychopathic schizophrenic who went around killing people because I was also mentally insane, one could argue that that would not be my fault. It hardly makes it acceptable to go around killing people. If it's not their fault then we shouldn't hate them. I think the whole mob thing, started by the news of the world was disgraceful and thoroughly uncivilised anyway. I think acts of sexual abuse should be prevented from happening in the first place rather than punished. I don't hate the paedophiles but I don't think that kind of behaviour is acceptable in society and people who have certain urges must learn to control them. That's what (supposedly) distinguishes us from animals - that we can learn to control our instincts and urges. For example, if we need to urinate we don't just do it there and then - we find a toilet first. Also, if we see someone we want to fuck, we don't rape them. If you are unfortunate enough to have paedophiliac tendencies then you should control yourself. Otherwise you should be helped to control yourself. Failing that you should be locked up - not for being a bad person but just because you are not safe. I know people used to say that about gay people but the difference there is that if it's between two consenting adults then that's none of anyone else's business - whereas if kids are being abused, that needs to be stopped. An adult having sex with a child is not an equal relationship. The child is small and vulnerable and if it says yes it may just be too scared to say no or it may think it wants to say yes and then later on regret it. Paedophilia is not acceptable.
Klaus Voorman
interesting facts
03.06.2001 12:16
Making White Porn Desire Measureable to Kill
03.06.2001 13:31
When we want to classify a trait such as sexuality, the definition of phenotypes becomes far tickier than with eye color. In part this is because sexuality encompasses so many different aspects of a person's physical, mental and emotional makeup. Shame over IMC-UK...
A second complication is that these characteristics are not rigidly fixed during the life span. Most people do not have the same sexuality like the pedethics, at age fifty for kill, as they had at age twenty, and sometimes a person's desires can change within a period of a few days or seven minutes. Because of the fluid nature of sexuality, it is important not only to isolate specific traits but also to know when they first appeared. Go out and hunt these peoples of the disruptive white ignorance. Don't forget the Base-Stcks....
Face it....
03.06.2001 19:27
In sewing terms, 'interfacing' means sewing a piece of material between two pieces of fabric to provide support and stability to a colar, cuff, yoke. Between the masks we've internalized, one on top of anothre, are our interfaces to hate Neo-Nazi Bullshit of good old fuck'in Germany. ( A myth ?!)
K.Voorman: demystify the game
05.06.2001 04:32
Once you begin "connecting the dots" to how unaccountable power plays their games, though, you learn that when they push these emotionally potent buttons, they're really talking about something very different from anything truly liberatory. I would suspect that this phenomenon is a CONSTANT; an across-the-spectrum situation, meaning not just obfuscating what child love is really about, but anything else state power and its minions advocate.
You said:
Paedophiles who actually have sex with children are probably causing those children serious emotional trauma and so they should be prevented from doing so.
Firstly, "paedophiles" have been stereotypically mystified. Just like all the enemies of nazi Germany were stereotypically mystified.
Your comments about the semantics of "paedophile" are interesting. Would you also say that the words *audiophile* and *bibliophile* are "badly coined"? Of course they are "badly coined" for someone who wants people to BELIEVE that a group is public enemy #1!
As for the idea that *all* parents love their children, this is certainly as much of a fallacy as *all* adults/older kids "abusing" kids when they have fully genuine consensual interactions. Can you allow yourself to think beyond these simple generalities and actually think?
Your alleged "understanding" of love in this case shows that you do not see the BEAUTIFUL SOCIAL BENEFITS that intimacy of any sort can have. Much less adult-kid explorations, adventure and connections. Strange! Why would mutually desired connections be problematic for a society wishing to orient itself towards alleged peace and justice??
Apparenly you believe that the existing *generation gap* (and all that entails) is a sane situation? Sounds to me like you are quite happy with perpetuating a warrior society instead of anything that could be truly liberating and sane!
Chuck D