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Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Group formed
The recently formed Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Campaign introduces itself and its project and practical tasks it undertakes to support the autonomous indigenous communities in Chiapas, South Mexico.Pictures of Beltane Festival In Edinburgh
Beltane Festival is cancelled for this year, it won't take place on Calton Hill in Edinburgh.This famous alternative festival attracted many visitors and was well-known all over Britain and beyond. (article 1)
Pictures of Beltane Festival In Edinburgh
Beltane Festival is cancelled for this year, it won't take place on Calton Hill in Edinburgh.This famous alternative festival attracted many visitors and was well-known all over Britain and beyond. (article 6)
Pictures of Beltane Festival In Edinburgh
Beltane Festival is cancelled for this year, it won't take place on Calton Hill in Edinburgh.This famous alternative festival attracted many visitors and was well-known all over Britain and beyond. (article 5)
Pictures of Beltane Festival In Edinburgh
Beltane Festival is cancelled for this year, it won't take place on Calton Hill in Edinburgh.This famous alternative festival attracted many visitors and was well-known all over Britain and beyond. (article 3)
Pictures of Beltane Festival In Edinburgh
Beltane Festival is cancelled for this year, it won't take place on Calton Hill in Edinburgh.This famous alternative festival attracted many visitors and was well-known all over Britain and beyond. (article 4)
Pictures of Beltane Festival In Edinburgh
Beltane Festival is cancelled for this year, it won't take place on Calton Hill in Edinburgh.This famous alternative festival attracted many visitors and was well-known all over Britain and beyond. (article 2)
With Beltane Fire Festival's Demise on Calton Hill, What has the Festival lost
Beltane celebrations on Calton Hill are cancelled this year- due to spiralling costs and bureaucracyEdinburgh anti-war protesters stormed the castle and blocked the main street
Edinburgh anti-war protesters stormed the Castle today and blocked the entrance, later leaving to block the main street with a sit-in protest.School students went on strike and joined in the protest against the War against Iraq.
hopefully more pictures about Spanish embassy protest
here are some more pictures which did not make it to the server before, hopefully they get through this time. These are still pictures of the Spanish embassy protest in Edinburgh- see IMC Scotland subsection for more details. (article 1)Protest at the Spanish embassy in Edinburgh
Here is a (native) report from the protest at the Spanish embassy on Tuesday, hopefully a picture will make it to the server, too.Ulla Roder Confirms Leuchars Tornado "Out of Action"
Today Trident Ploughshares activist Ulla Roder confirmed that the Tornado jet which she damaged yesterday at Leuchars airbase is unlikely to fly of Spanish embassy protest in Edinburgh
Tuesday, 11th of march saw a protest and attempted occupation of the Spanish embassy in are some pictures. (article 1)