UK University Occupations for Gaza Newswire Archive
Latest report from the plenary of the Cambridge University Law School
25-01-2009 19:00
A quick report from the plenary discussion in the Cambridge occupation, Sunday 25 January 2009 evening.LSE-Palestine Solidarity Initiative hails outcome of student resistance
25-01-2009 18:01
The founders of the Palestine Solidarity Initiative (
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The Law Faculty occupation continues...
25-01-2009 15:36

Montreal: professors and university employees call for Israel boycott
25-01-2009 07:54
We are a group of teachers and employees at Quebec colleges and universities who stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, and with the people of Gaza who have suffered through the Israeli siege as targets of Israel’s brutal military attack. It will take more than ceasefires to bring a just and lasting peace in Palestine and Israel. We are acting in response to an appeal for support issued January 2, 2009 by the Palestinian Federation of Unions of University Professors and Employees. In the wake of the Israeli bombing of the Islamic University of Gaza, the Federation of Unions has urged academics around the world to support a boycott of Israeli academic institutions.The Law Faculty Occupation - further developments.
24-01-2009 03:24

Analysis of UK University Occupations.
24-01-2009 01:37
Initial response to the wave of occupations in a dozen universities across the country in solidarity with Gaza. The Theorillas [Theory-Guerillas] are an affinity group throwing theory at the movement.First photos from the Cambridge Uni occupation for Gaza
24-01-2009 00:02

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Cambridge University Gaza Solidarity Occupation
23-01-2009 21:39

solidarity with Gaza
Sussex Uni still occupied!
23-01-2009 14:40
Three days in and going strong.Kings College London on Strand still occupied
23-01-2009 11:22
A lecture theatre at KCL has been occupied since 10am Tuesday... still going strong... large numbers have been overnighting since Tuesday..
Warwick Uni Still Occupied
23-01-2009 11:05
48 hours in, the Warwick Occupation is going strong and momentum is building.Leeds Uni building still occupied!
23-01-2009 10:29
At 4.30 on the 22nd Jan, Botany House was occupied in protest to Israel's campaign of bloodshed against the Palestinians...University of Birmingham Free Gaza demo - 22/01/09
22-01-2009 23:40

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The Siege of LR4 - Birmingham occupation ends
22-01-2009 21:53
The occupation of Arts LR4, University of Birmingham, which began at 9am on Tuesday 20 January, ended at around 9pm on the same day after 12 hours in. West Midlands Police and university security lay siege to the building from 7pm in a bid to isolate the protesters. The occupiers were denied access to water and food (from outside) and had to blockade the lecture theatre as police and security massed outside it...Full article | 2 additions | 4 comments
Leeds University building occupied
22-01-2009 17:01
Students have occupied a building in the centre of Leeds uni campus, in protest of the Israeli slaughter.Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
Occupation of Manchester Metropolitan University in solidarity with Gaza
22-01-2009 16:38
MMU Students are currently occupying lecture theatre 7 of the Geoffrey Manton building in solidarity with GazaManchester Met - 10th uk university occupied in solidarity with gaza
22-01-2009 14:59
Manchester Met - 10th uk university occupied in solidarity with gazaFull article | 3 additions | 2 comments
Oxford occupation for Gaza
22-01-2009 13:36
In the first week of term, over 80 Oxford University students have occupied the historic Bodleian building to demand that the university releases a statement condemning the attack on Gaza and cancel the lecture series at Balliol College inaugurated by Shimon Peres.