UK Climate Camp 2006 Newswire Archive
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Penny for the Guy Ropes
04-03-2011 00:53

They came, they camped, they conquered (well, almost). During a soul-searching Dorset retreat, Climate Camp have decided to suspend tent-centred activism - citing the “radically different political landscape” of 2011. Having been through Drax, Kingsnorth, Heathrow, RBS, Copenhagen and one helluva lot of hummus, the group are now turning their attention to coordination with the wider anti-cuts and anti-austerity movement.
On the Newswire: Statement | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010
Plane Stupid barking up the wrong tree?
15-08-2007 10:07
Plane Stupid or just misguided? An essential piece of perspective from TheIndependent regarding the real causes of the global carbon problem.
Please Take Climate Camp Flyers to Events and Festivals...
08-07-2007 14:27

Firstly to remind you about going to events and festivals.
If you are going to ANY of this sort of thing, however big or small - please remember to take flyers.
Power Up! Benefit Party
07-07-2007 13:56

Do You Want Journalists at the Camp for Climate Action?
06-07-2007 12:06
The Camp for Climate Action media team are putting together a proposal for the media and cameras on site policy, to be discussed at the July gathering.Here is a questionnaire which looks at some of the possible concerns and solutions about media on site, and gives you a chance to say what you thought was good or bad about last year's strategy.
Power Up! Benefit Party
06-07-2007 11:31

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The Camp for Climate Action Invites Everyone to Heathrow Airport
04-07-2007 15:20

Here is the latest message from the Climate Camp networking crew:
Refuting Climate Sceptisism on Indymedia
30-06-2007 15:58
Are there people out there fed up with Indymedia being used as a platform for ill-informed and dangerous climate change denial? Can we do anything about it?Make a Festival that Matters
29-06-2007 09:55

The British Airline Pilots Association Wants Your Views
18-06-2007 15:34
BALPA, the airline pilots "union", are stepping up the greenwash in an attempt to counter the excellent publicity currently being given to just how bad for the environment and poor people flying is. Send them an email!West Midlands Climate Camp Meeting, Wed 30th May
26-05-2007 17:39
The last meeting was really well attended and felt very positive,supportive and exciting. After the packed meeting the Climate Campers
decided to meet next Wednesday at the Spotted Dog, Alcester St, Digbeth at
Another End of the World is possible: video portraits
23-05-2007 23:06

Climate Chaos Cafe Weds May 23rd 7pm
22-05-2007 09:36
The next Climate Chaos Cafe is this Wednesday....Rattcliffe 11 to face courts
21-05-2007 17:57
11 people have been charged with aggrevated tresspass for entering Rattcliffe on Soar power station on the 10th of AprilActivists target M1 - Press Release
18-05-2007 09:40
Here is a copy of a press release sent widely to the mainstream media - for info and interest.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Leeds Bradford Airport Gets The Glue Treatment
18-05-2007 07:46
A local resident fed up with Leeds/Bradford Airport's irresponsible climate terrorism has glued herself to the front door - and taken the opportunity the spread the word about just how damaging and selfish flying is.