114 people were arrested in a 2am police raid on a community centre and school on Sneinton Dale, Nottingham, early on Easter Monday, 13th April 2009. It is believed that a demonstration was planned at the E.On powerstation at Ratcliffe-on-Soar as a spokesperson for the company claimed that it was the "planned target of an organised protest". The Ratcliffe-on-Soar coal-fired power station is the 3rd largest source of carbon dioxide emissions in the UK and has been previously targeted by activists.
Similar to past police actions, some of the homes of those arrested have been raided while they were held in custody. It has been confirmed that at least 6 homes have been raided in Nottingham and personal paperwork and computers have been seized. A school located next to the community centre where people were arrested was also broken into and smashed up by police. Those arrested have now all been released on bail without charges and to re-appear in court in July.
Legal advice for activists: Police powers to search premises.
Meanwhile, four Dutch activists from Earth First! forced entry into E.On's head office in Rotterdam and occupied a director's office to have a 'serious chat' about the planned construction of a new coal fired power station.
More coverage: on Nottinghamshire Indymedia
On the newswire: Statement of solidarity with the Nottingham 114 | Climate Action 114 Media Blog | A Conspiracy too far? | Solidarity for the Coal Conspiracy 114 | Bristol Rising Tide and Westside Statement of Solidarity for the Ratcliffe 114 | Climate activist searches (raids?) still happening | Mass arrests for thought crime | Nottingham's Climate Criminals | 100+ people arrested in Notts for conspiracy this morning | Climate Protest Busted!? | Mass arrests in Nottingham on Easter Monday
Related previous coverage: No case to answer after Notts E.On protest | Police Searches Houses After Arrests At E.On Blockade | Fossil Fools Take On E.On In Nottingham | Convictions For Activists - Climate Criminals Walk Free | 'Clean' Coal On Trial | Climate Activists Bring Powerstation Operations To A Halt | Spring Into Action Now!
This police action is reminiscent of the arrests of climate change activists in April 2007 when they were on their way to protest against the M1 widening. While the protestors were held in custody their homes were raided and computers were taken. A year after the arrests the M1 case was thrown out of court.
Corporate Coverage: Climate Action 114 Media Blog| Police arrest 114 people in pre-emptive strike against environmental protesters | Hundred held over ’power protest’ | 114 held over power station protest | 80 power protesters arrested | Police arrest more than 100 in dawn raids to halt environmental protest | Don't let the police intimidate you | Police Arrest 114 People At Power Station | More at 'Climate action 114 media blog' |
From The M1 to G20 and now Nottingham is britan in a Police State?
13.04.2009 13:24
When 4,00 people converged around The City of London to take part in the G20 Meltdown on April 1st, and voice their concerns over the current economic and climate situation, many did not foresee that the protests would not become something altogether more frightening and unsafe. Not unsafe due to violent protesters but because of the methods and tactics employed by the police force who surrounded us. Since that day, the general public now are more than familiar with the term kettling, and the protesters are all too aware of what it means to be kettled. The issues which arose from that day have centered on one thing: the British’s polices misuse of power, and riot - inciting tactics for dealing with protests - however peaceful or non violent the protest may be.
And what does it say about Britain when it has become 'acceptable' police policy (under precisely which law, please?) to kettle peaceful people in for many hours with no access to food, drink or toilets, and certainly without even the decency of a simple explanation (let alone the slightest bit of consideration or common courtesy)? The police know these tactics wind protesters up, which is, of course, why they do it - it gives them a vaguely legal pretext for wading in, given the slightest excuse (or no excuse at all in some cases last week).
How can anyone justify the actions of a police force who chased peaceful protesters across the City, leaving them in fear of their lives? Or that the police pushed, shoved, punched, dragged, abused and insulted us for no reason other than that we were there? Or the simple fact that the police don't seem to give a flying fuck that someone actually died out there (RIP Ian Tomlinson) - an innocent man who got caught up in events and battered by the police. As of yet, there are far too many unanswered questions (which are probably unanswerable too - you can guarantee that any official inquiry will end up as a complete whitewash), but what is oh so patently clear is that the police utilized what my friend Martin described with withering sarcasm as "their usual tact and restraint."
We must not and we cannot let them get away with this. We cannot let them scare us off the streets. This country has a fine historical tradition of political protest (long may it continue), and we have an ancient and well-defined right to demonstrate - but we also realise that with rights come responsibilities. Our responsibility is to protest peacefully and positively, and the responsibility of the police is to respect that under the law. We can all see that they're not keeping to their side of the bargain, but we cannot afford to sink down to their level. We must be stubborn, and show them that getting rid of us will be much harder than they thought....
“It has to start somewhere
It has to start sometime.
What better place than here?
What better time than now?
All hell can’t stop us now…”
Rage Against The Machine – ‘Guerrilla Radio’
News from bridewell,
13.04.2009 15:05
Parked outside the building were also two marked vehicles, which her majesties court service informed us belonged to "Global Solutions" and were "transit" van types, which looked just like police vans in marking, just without police written on them. They did have the identification on the roof, in the same way as many "governement" vehicles do.
Some of the kidnapped people have legal advice from solicitors, some do not, no names were given, and one member HMCS a supivisor who told me he wasnt allowed to give his name, was advising all people leaving not to talk to us.
Police present showed a mixture of attitude, some being policy enforcement agents, and some seemed actually interested in what was going on.
No one has been held on terrorism charges, as far as I know, and they should all be out within 12 hours.
Hope you find this interesting and enlightening!
From The M1 to G20 and now Nottingham - Confirms Britan is a Police State
13.04.2009 15:14
Were the suffragettes, black and slave liberationists violently repressed?
Has any social change been made without violent repression?
Is government by definition a means of social control?
Governments use police violence and state repression to 'control' the people, as a state won't last; without a violent police force, with a passive police force or without a police force.
1. All governments are state's because they must utilize violence to control the people
2. All state's are police state's as they must utilize violent repression to control the people
Governments were established to socially control the population using violence. They haven't changed, they are just becoming increasing recognised by people who ignore(d) history.
Of course its a police state.
13.04.2009 17:04
"tribal groups" use violence badly also, its bad whoever it comes from
13.04.2009 17:05
Eon must be giving the police some real pressure & "trying" to corrupt senior officers etc. Has anyone Simpson been down yet, I will try to contact Heppel MP, theres also EMRA with its minister behind rock city above the hotel too:) as well as the eon offices.
Theres geothermal in granite & deep disused mines,wind,hydro etc& even advanced fusion possibly if we dont live in a more democratic & less chaotic system-society.
Green Syndicalist
PA report indicates an odd offence
13.04.2009 17:06
Richard Rothwell
13.04.2009 17:12
Wotsit: were past social movements not violently repressed then?
13.04.2009 17:47
It's a fair enough guess, but it implies that all past social movements (pre-21st century) did not suffer violent repression at the hands of a police state. By stating what you did, you are claiming that freedom fighters of the past merely suffered opposition by government, but not the violent repression that we see today against revolutionaries. If they did, then they would of also been living in a police state - thus it not being a matter of anti-terrorist legislation, but of history long long before then. If you simply go through history you will read about the violent repression that was infact was present, just as it is now.
Throughout history revolutionaries and radicals have consistently tried to pin-point when Britain entered a police state (whether analysising the past or present). This is the same illusion as the right / left debate, as it excludes an alternative theory. Whilst a third political answer is anarchism, the third political question is not are we in a police stare, when did we enter a police state, but; "Was government always a police state"?
i.e. - "Did governments ever not use violent policing tactics to control populations?"
Governments = States = Police States
It's theory and logic for social control.
Permission to fart sir!
13.04.2009 18:34
Having your head up yer arse, in no way makes it a happy hippy utopia.
nothing new to us muslims
13.04.2009 22:59
where have you lot been?
not supporting us that's for sure.
now you suddenly get freaked out, now that its white folks like you.
we haven't done anything wrong, there is no evidence on majority of us becase we haven't done anything but they label us terrorists and lock us away without access to lawyer without bail or trial.
smells like institutional racism is alive and well in this movement, from where i am standing.
a fed up muslim
Dear fed up Muslim
13.04.2009 23:29
Join forces & fight back on Sat 18 April
14.04.2009 00:12
Jacqui Smith MP is the Home Secretary. We`ve got her to blame for increasing police violence, aggression and ever more draconian tactics. Whilst her husband sits at home watching porn movies (payed for by the tax payer), she drafts yet more laws which will further reduce our rights and freedoms. Are you going to let Jacqui Smith get away with it????
Take the fight to her Redditch constituency, where a mass demo will hurt her and the fascist Labour government the most!!
Saturday 18 April, 12 noon, Redditch Town Hall
See original call out for this national demo
Well done to all those involved
14.04.2009 00:46
I received several reports that tomorrow (today) there are going to be some unusual police activity.
None of them are substantiated, but judging from my guts, there are going to be some "surprises".
The enemy has raised the bar in the last few weeks and the new "cold war" has just got colder.
There is no security culture amongst activists in the UK, the man knows a lot more then the police, who are just "pawns" in his game.
Some of us will have a glorious CV after this with an almost guaranteed public job, others. Those of us who do not wish to become politicians will be fucked off royally.
Times are changing fast. The game has become a lot harder for us. Some of us have already been rendered "out of action" whereas others are completely unknown to the men.
These are scary times to be politically active but challenging too.The risks have been doubled, tripled and quadrupled, but so have the potential gains.
While there may have been a "police informer" in there, there are a lot more ways in which the police could of found out, 114 mobile phones of people of "potential risk to public order" all converging on one place could of been another clue.Phone and email tapping, "known individuals", facebook, and even psychological analysis/manipulation could have been used and are used against us.
While it is time to be careful, it is no time to stop. I recommend caution in the days and weeks to come in order to examine the new political situation that is developing.
That said, don't stop! If "the men" escalates so must we. If the men uses "black ops" so must we. I predict some police operations, that will cost very much probably even more lives. I predict political assassinations, "disappearances", torture, and much more. But also I predict the men is going to make many mistakes along the way that will leave it more vulnerable then ever before.
The men is clever, but we have at our disposal the most brilliant minds of humanity, and have had in the past 100 years. If we are clever we can get past these times with more gains for the movement then ever before.
fear not the men, for he is but a system, the intelligence services are but morons with good grades and nothing in the way of independent thought. The bureaucracy will shoot itself in the foot, and us, we will gain points towards humanity.
Fight on you rebells, for a new dawn awaits those still standing.
Person unknow (or is he)
so what's going on? any info?
14.04.2009 02:54
The mainstream media is spreading a story (presumably from the police) that the people are from Climate Camp (wrongly termed a "group") and were thought to be planning to shut down Ratcliffe power station.
I've seen these kinds of actions before and they do NOT involve 114 people. The Spring Into Action shutdown involved less than a dozen people in the actual lockon (11 people charged, one report suggests only 5 actually locked-on).
Whatever it was (if it was anything), was not a public action. There had been no calls for action, no public plans for a protest. Nothing that would have attracted twice the usual Sumac crowd to one place at one time. If the plan was for a lockon then only a few people would need to know about it.
So how did they end up with 114? And how does 114 arrests equate to 6 addresses?
Did they arrest people who were going to do solidarity protesting outside, and people who were doing legal support and press releases etc? (This would explain why we've heard nothing from them since last night)
Have they rounded up other random people who they think "might" have been involved? Everyone at Sumac for instance?
"tribal groups" use violence badly also, its bad whoever it comes from
14.04.2009 05:42
Eon must be giving the police some real pressure & "trying" to corrupt senior officers etc. Has anyone Simpson been down yet, I will try to contact Heppel MP, theres also EMRA with its minister behind rock city above the hotel too:) as well as the eon offices.
Theres geothermal in granite & deep disused mines,wind,hydro etc& even advanced fusion possibly if we dont live in a more democratic & less chaotic system-society.
Green Syndicalist
14.04.2009 06:30
Greens are now definitely intelligence targets
14.04.2009 06:47
They justify it because of 'disruption' to a majority by a minority. There is never any talk of the disruption the majority is causing to us minority. I am pretty pissed off that direct action is now being emasculated. Brown you fascist imbecile, you just got me off my seat ready to take action.
Reason for arrest - police didn't want to be policing a prolonged demo?
14.04.2009 08:53
From the BBC News website, quote from Supt Mike Manley from Nottinghamshire Police:
"It is not for me to comment on the motivation of the protesters but we know from experience that such protests can lead to prolonged policing operations, putting police, protesters and staff at risk."
Easy going lawman
Re: PA report indicates an odd offence
14.04.2009 10:00
No, more misinformation from blogs.
"Conspiracy to Commit Trespass"
This is nonsense, the relevant charge is Conspiracy to commit aggravated trespass, which is a combination of Section 1 of the Criminal Law Act 1977 (the statutory offence of conspiracy), and Section 68 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 (the statutory offence of aggravated trespass.
"1. The offence of conspiracy.— [(1) Subject to the following provisions of this Part of this Act, if a person agrees with any other person or persons that a course of conduct shall be pursued which, if the agreement is carried out in accordance with their intentions, either—
(a)will necessarily amount to or involve the commission of any offence or offences by one or more of the parties to the agreement, or
(b)would do so but for the existence of facts which render the commission of the offence or any of the offences impossible,
he is guilty of conspiracy to commit the offence or offences in question.]"
"68. (1) A person commits the offence of aggravated trespass if he trespasses on land in the open air and, in relation to any lawful activity which persons are engaging in or are about to engage in on that or adjoining land in the open air, does there anything which is intended by him to have the effect—
(a)of intimidating those persons or any of them so as to deter them or any of them from engaging in that activity,
(b)of obstructing that activity, or
(c)of disrupting that activity.
(2) Activity on any occasion on the part of a person or persons on land is “lawful” for the purposes of this section if he or they may engage in the activity on the land on that occasion without committing an offence or trespassing on the land.
(3) A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months or a fine not exceeding level 4 on the standard scale, or both.
(4) A constable in uniform who reasonably suspects that a person is committing an offence under this section may arrest him without a warrant.
(5) In this section “land” does not include—
(a)the highways and roads excluded from the application of section 61 by paragraph (b) of the definition of “land” in subsection (9) of that section; or
(b)a road within the meaning of the M1 Roads (Northern Ireland) Order 1993."
Global Solutions police/E-on involvement
14.04.2009 10:08
Focusing on key environmental, safety and production areas, we deliver cost effective solutions that achieve results.
Global Solutions actively seek out innovative technology and help to develop and transfer it to new market places, taking a practical approach to ensure its suitability to solve specific problems."
Is there a story here
Don't vote for Mary!
14.04.2009 10:15
14.04.2009 11:00
I can't help thinking that if it was just as simple as that this raid is full-on legal then they'd have been doing it for years, since 1974 or whenever, whenever they got a whiff that people might be planning any kind of protest that wouldn't be 100% legal (if they can have "conspiracy to commit aggravated trespass" then they can have for instance "conspiracy to form an unlawful assembly" if people plan a protest without informing police, or "conspiracy to commit a breach of the peace", etc).
They're trying to push their success with inventing a political use for "conspiracy to blackmail" to criminalise protest even further. But they may well not dare try to make it stick, the raids themselves are the means to intimidate. I suspect the main target is to make afraid the kind of people who do support demos outside occupied sites or do legal support etc, by implying that just supporting a protest action is illegal by extension (as "conspiracy" with those involved in it).
fuck pigs
Re: ???
14.04.2009 12:59
> of the law lets the state do...
No, I try to state what the letter of the law is, I'm fully aware that this has little to do with cop law, but it's better than the pub law that many people post here.
> not least the need to prove joint venture of all the 114 or however many are charged
Not necessary, only needs to joint between person A and person B, or person A and person C etc.
> "conspiracy to form an unlawful assembly" if people plan a protest
> without informing police
Not actually an offence outside the SOCPA zone, and yes they could do that, in theory.
> or "conspiracy to commit a breach of the peace", etc).
Not even a possible offence, in England & Wales.
14.04.2009 13:52
Not sure why "conspiracy to cause a breach of the peace" wouldn't be a real offence, since "breach of the peace" is a real offence? (it might have to be an "arrestable" offence to use conspiracy, but the law was changed to make everything "arrestable"). And there's some kind of offence of demonstrating without informing police under the Public Order Act 1986, plus there was some kind of common law unlawful/disorderly assembly offence before then... and these were just the ones that came to mind, how about "conspiracy to commit disorderly conduct" or "conspiracy to cause an affray" or "conspiracy to cause harassment" etc etc... I say again, if they could do it and be sure it was legal, they'd have been pulling this pre-emptive crap since times immemorial.
It's similar with this PACE house search thing - it's been on the law books for 25 years but it's only been interpreted this way pretty recently. It's obviously abusive (the raids are punitive and intimidatory, not seriously seeking evidence) but the police have come up with an excuse. So if they ever had to defend it in court, everything would come down to whether the magistrate or jury was convinced that the police were really looking for evidence or whether they saw that the raids were abusive and looking for a pretext. The specific statute might require the police to reasonably believe they will find useful evidence; but if it doesn't, the magistrate or jury might infer such an assumption, under prompting from the activists' lawyer... but they're relying on the climate of fear, which makes the idea of activists "conspiring" and keeping sinister evidence of their conspiracies in their homes potentially plausible to judges or juries... if they had tried the same thing earlier, they may well have got into big trouble, yet the law hasn't changed an inch in the meantime.
fuck pigs
lawyer stuff
14.04.2009 14:43
Re: ???
14.04.2009 14:56
> real offence, since "breach of the peace" is a real offence?
It isn't, you can't be charged with it, only arrested to prevent one. (Different in Scotland) Read Steel v UK (1999) 28 EHRR 603
> And there's some kind of offence of demonstrating without informing
> police under the Public Order Act 1986
No there isn't, it's only an offence not to inform the police about a procession, not an assembly, and this only applies to the organiser, it does not make the procession itself unlawful (cf. Critical Mass, Kay v Commissioner). More pub law.
> plus there was some kind of common law unlawful/disorderly assembly
Before 1936, yes.
> I say again, if they could do it and be sure it was legal
14.04.2009 17:56
Slash their budgets
14.04.2009 22:27
Police infiltration is very worrying
15.04.2009 00:47
From Animal To Earth Liberation & Repression
15.04.2009 02:42
As an animal/earth liberationist for a few years now (I see them as one of the same) - I have to say these raids mark the turning point of repression, shifting from just animals on the frontlines, to animals and their environment in the state's firing line. It was the expected next step ideologically before matching the repression against anti-arms campaigners, then onto anarchists and anti-capitalists et all. (read Netcu Watch between 2006-2008 for more info).
I think this is due to the innate animal instinct to defend yourself, and your environment - your water, soil, air, food, natural elements and fellow species. Whilst capitalism, war and oppression (for example) pose a severe threat to many animals and the environment (and should be resisted with as much action), its the threat to the environment itself which affects every single one of us - whether we want to believe it or not.
As so, it's Mother Earth whom has already and will continue to be no.1 topic, preceding the previous top topic of war. I haven't included the economic meltdown in this (as its clearly no.1 topic at the moment), as I am discussing in a longitudinal sense. By this, I simply mean what is perceived, by average or otherwise, as 'top topic' or 'top concern' by the public.
As for why these raids were executed, IMO it was:
* 75% for intelligence gathering, for the future of radical green activism
* 25% to prevent direct action and the further spread of it, of which
* 10% focussed on pacifying the population using a fear-mongering green wash
Thank fuck for reality though - the ALF are alive and well and the ELF will be making a major comeback very soon given that the repression continues to thrive, which is obviously will.
Finally though - we're starting to actually take our planet and its population seriously!!
This is evident by the repressive attacks on our so-called 'right to protest', similar to the attacks liberationists throughout history suffered as a result of making social change.
*** Note ***
It has been discovered that humans are biologically animals (and always have been), thus we are all earthlings
Green veganarchist
not necessarily infiltration
15.04.2009 05:56
They would always have tried to bust protests a bit like this (i.e. surveillance/infiltration) but it would probably seem less spooky because they would have jumped later. Ten years ago, if they had this kind of prior information they would have flooded the protest site with police, and arrested people as they entered the site.
15.04.2009 18:44
Leek soup...
Community policing, or how to make friends and influence people
15.04.2009 20:57
"It is not for me to comment on the motivation of the protesters but we know from experience that such protests can lead to prolonged policing operations, putting police, protesters and staff at risk."
This is clearly a stupid excuse, but we live in a stupid age.
If the intention was to minimise risks a far simpler, safer and more cost effective solution would have been to sent a couple of local bobbies along to say "sorry guys you've been rumbled". Knowing that the game was up, and perhaps supervised by a squad car or two, the protest would have had to have been called off, all with no disruption to the local community or criminal damage to the school by rioting cops. But of course that would not have facilitated the harassment of peaceful, non-violent protesters, nor the fishing expeditions that followed.
As for Sumac - if it ain't bugged it ain't trying hard enough! These days everywhere and everything can be assumed to be bugged, but if sensible paranoia inhibits anyone from getting on with the necessary work of stopping any of crap that is going on, then 'job done', the forces of darkness can just get on with raping the planet unopposed. So keep on with the job in hand, but take care and where appropriate keep one eye looking over your shoulder.
Perhaps proposing something on this scale was a bit audacious, but time is short and it ain't gonna get any easier. At least here's 114 more people who won't be looking back in too few years time asking "why didn't WE do something to tackle climate change whilst we still had the chance?"
An even easier going lawman
Of course it fucking bugged!
15.04.2009 21:40
Lets assume that places like the SUMAC center are bugged, it's a safe assumption, if you want to talk about something you don't want them to know go to the pub. (And not the same one every time too).
Come on people use your heads, we know what's the inflated budget for anti-terrorism is all about, terrorists????
Knowing a place is bugged is very useful, it can be used to feed them false information, it can be used to subvert Intel, but it can't be used to plan serious actions which can put people in trouble. if the planning of this was in fact made in the Sumac, then it is everyone involved who are to blame.
For fuck's sake YOU ARE THE STATE'S NUMBER ONE ENEMY, and don't forget this for a second!
I say this again and again, we are the most tapped on sector of society, activists that is. there is no maybes, no buts, no legal reasoning, it's just is. what the state can't be seen to do, private contractors can.
For all the street lawyers and such, there is more to "law enforcement" then the law!, all these quibbling, might help in court, but it is no means to base a strategy on, the state is above the law! the cops are above the law!,the feds are too, the corporates are above all of them.
if they can't bring you to court, they will find other ways of controlling you, in fact, they probably would regardless. we can beat them, but not if we continue to be so fucking stupid, so fucking naive.
The evidence they will present in court WILL NOT INCLUDE the evidence they cannot disclose how they retained. if there was an informer they will not expose him in court, if there was tapping used they will not present it. the state is a vile entity whose sole purpose is to preserve itself, nothing more.
that makes all of us under serious threat.
So for the love of god, and the movement, be fucking careful, think, assume you are being watched everywhere rather then not, look out, look for strange cars parked around you,under covcers and such, leave your phones next to an amplifier to hear the traffic, talk in places where it is difficult to isolate your voices in, think about when you take the battery out of your phone. if you all walk to a meeting place and then all take the battery out at once, that is more incriminating then not at all, leave your phones at home when possible, think think think!
It's time for us all to take a step back and think carefully, we must perfect the art of intelligence subverting, it's been done before. and could be a great tool against the state, but not without thinking about everything.
If you are reading this or writing here, you know for a fact it is already been taken down by them, they are using statistical analysis to try and find who wrote this, which in this particular instance is fine, but think about it, use unusual words, proxify everything, write everything down, then rephrase everything to not point at yourself, think paranoid, always, but don't let this make you ineffective, just think about these things.
We can use the state's instruments against itself, and we must because we do not have an inflated budget, we cannot tap police stations, corporate offices, and such, but they do all of the time. think about who are your potential enemies and what are their interests, is it BAA? if you were active against the Israeli occupation, would the Mossad be after you? E-ON?Huntington? etc. what are the interests of every one of those, and how can you play them against one another? there are also all sorts of cartels, and associations, or governments and particular corporates, remember that guy in Plane Stupid? how many companies do you think are using the services or this one corporate spy company? probably many, there are probably others like it, and probably the MI# are too when they can't be seen to do something.
think like a fucking terrorist for god's sake, think like a spy, think like a rebel, not like a stupid kid playing games, please! make it hard for them,together we can make it impossible for them!
That said, part of the art or Intel Subversion is to make them look at you more then others, sometimes it's useful to have them identify you as a potential target, rather then other people, think about it, and act accordingly, I am pretty sure that having too much of the police effort directed at certain individuals have made it impossible for them to plan for the real thing
15.04.2009 23:28
Leek soup
shop around a little
16.04.2009 04:29
I do get a bit carried away sometimes with this game.
The fact is, we don't know yet, but we can guess some of the tool they'll be using
If you only intend to do fuffy stuff then there's no real reason for this.
If you are serious, well assume these.
16.04.2009 12:10
You know the saying Anon "a little knowledge is dangerous?" I think we can safely apply this to you!
The majority rules and we say "break the law deal with the consequences."
Leek soup
Climate Rush?
16.04.2009 13:18
A group called Climate Rush said they had been planning a non-violent protest at a power station - but were arrested before they could carry it out..."
climate rush message of support
16.04.2009 14:24
If the paper is reporting otherwise then it is making things up.
planning to shut down Ratcliffe
16.04.2009 15:42
The best way of showing solidarity with an intercepted action is to carry out the intended action. Because this case overlaps several causes then a rolling protest at the plant is possible, like the Faslane 365 idea. That'll cost this police force heavily and make them think twice about escalating things again in future. You don't have to be a green to take direct action against police repression, while incidentally closing down a power station.
The police always infiltrated but they used to let protestors rest together and even direct us to the demo the next day, not now. So sleep apart and then converge. Think about smaller groups more often.
Misguided posts and misinformation.
18.04.2009 16:07
Amazingly, despite being an anonymous open publishing site better known as a platform for disinformation than for accurate news, indymedia media posts do appear in court cases and are read and quoted by cops and journalists so please please please think before you post and those of you who admin this site, please please please take responsibility for ensuring that comments containing dangerous speculation etc are quickly removed.
counter survelience book
19.04.2009 14:28
practical security for activists
25.04.2009 21:10
2 Quick Things
29.04.2009 09:39
And you seriously believe what you have said here? If you do than it is a clear indication that you don’t get out enough (or) you are definitely hanging out with the wrong white people. Either way, it appears as though you don’t have a firm grasp of the general history of radical politics … maybe do some reading and start mixing with some solid groups / organisations, then you won’t be so isolated from what is really happening. And finally, this is indymedia that you are posting on, not some wack yahoo forum. So just remember how out of context and generally silly these kinds of comments actually look when you post them here.
2. Re. Police states in general
OK, this is just my view, gun me down if you think I’m off point here, but I agree that we are in a permanent state of police oppression / repression / suppression … through out the world. The state cannot exist without the cops … well I think of them more as wardens i.e. Society is one big prison. Thing is, the activities by the police are authorised by the state on the basis of threat / potential threat and the scale of police activities are in context to the scale of the threat/s. So as an example, as the Anti-Apartheid Movement grew, the scale of activities by the South African police increased. But let’s look at how protest culture on a global level in the new millennium has grown, particularly what was sparked off by the 1999 WTO protest / riots in Seattle. And as the protest culture, globally speaking, is growing so is the state response, globally speaking … what is happening in the UK is an international phenomenon. So putting this all together, what I’m essentially saying is that states are sh*tting themselves more and more everyday.
DJB is correct
06.05.2009 12:57
The UK Government is currently carrying out a review of Home Ecuation on the spurious grounds that children who are Homeschooled are more vulnerable to abuse.... They understand that many people are questioning the basis for the current Education System and are crafting alternatives.
This is a direct threat to their control. It is a more direct threat than Stop The War, Greenpeace, Amnesty or any so called 'black block anarchists' for it goes to the very roots of the problem.... the indoctrination of children.
Only indoctrinated children will go against their own inner motivations. Only indoctrinated children will grow up to be Volunteers for Military (professional killers), Police (professional enforcers), state and corporate bureaucrats (professional jobsworths), Prison Officers, Teachers etc etc... people who a) never question the basis for their work or b) the policies of their institutions.
'Good Germans' all. Torturers, Spies, Detectives......
The state cannot exist without these damaged people. The corporatists state must damage all children, in order to ensure it's survival. No Child Left Behind has meaning.
And the truth is this : the state cannot endure as is, for the nature within is far to powerful. We have already won, though we may have a few battles on our hands...
core luminous
17 now charged with Aggravated tresspass
02.10.2009 14:21
Was the informant Mark Stone / Mark Kennedy?
22.10.2010 12:49
Mark 'Stone/Kennedy' exposed as undercover police officer
Is he going to be a prosecution witness at the trial?