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London History Newswire Archive

25-01-2008 14:54

Gordon Goebbels Brown's head in a SOCPA 2005 noose please

Good for the goose is good for the gander.

What is the punishment for high treason in England or in Iraq, as the case may be? Where have they been committing their crimes? Where should they be tried?

What should the punishment be for any war criminal? Read more >>

23-01-2008 13:21

Rivlin's Court stinks of bullshit and corruption

Mr Chris Coverdale making wars history

20-01-2008 11:05

Al Qaeda and the "War on Terrorism"

The disinformation campaign has gone into full gear. The British and US media are increasingly pointing towards "preemptive war" as an act of "self defense" against Al Qaeda and the State sponsors of terrorism, who are allegedly preparing a Second 911. The underlying objective, through fear and intimidation, is ultimately to build public acceptance for the next stage of the Middle East "war on terrorism" which is directed against Syria and Iran.

18-01-2008 01:47

Grave Ignorance or Serious Deception: the Existence of the Constitution of Brita

For the record; we the People of Britain DO INDEED have a CONSTITUTION and in accordance with its statues, the matter of going to war lies with the monarch NOT Parliament! Read more >>

17-01-2008 15:01


Miss Maranda
Jackie Smith... kiss my ass you bitch.

13-01-2008 19:11

Police Farce Belgravia - Absolute Bollocks!

Same shit, different day.
Same shit, different country.
Same old shit no matter how you slice it or dice it.
Corruption is an ugly state of democracy.

01-01-2008 23:35

Sir Ian's head on a SOCPA platter please

Bollocks 2 Blair still means something, I do believe. Read more >>

27-11-2007 17:56

Archive of 1990s Critical Mass videos launched

13-11-2007 21:15

Load of WANC at rampART

Cafe flyer

The Womens Anarchist Nusiance Cafe is held every penultimate wednesday of the month at the RampART creative centre and social space in Rampart St, E1 2LA ( open from: 7.00pm-11.30pm. Free admission.

The next cafe is Wednesday 21st November 'Goodness Gracious Ghee Cafe'. More than just Bollywood, Shilpa and vindaloo... A celebration of South Asian culture. Qweer/feminist activism, Diwali and Eid, sari wearing instruction, dance workshop, fantastic food and guest speakers.


11-11-2007 17:17 | 1 addition

The rampART and its evolution

The follow text is based on a draft article written for a proposed social centers zine. It's posted here with some additions to provide something of a summary of the history and current status of the rampART in the run up to a user consultation meeting being planned for the 17th November. Read more >>

07-11-2007 15:41

2001 Genova G8: We are history! - call to mobilization november 17th 2007

2001 Genova G8: We are history! - call to mobilization november 17th 2007
We are history - a call to mobilization for november 17th 2007

It's been years we have asked everybody to take responsibility as
collectively as possible for what the mobilizations against G8 in Genoa
The arrogance of Genoa prosecutors during the final speech of their
accusation in the court case against 25 protestors accused of devastation
and sacking seems to have eventually aroused the hearts and brains of
300000 people that in Genoa opposed themselves to the politics of the G8 Read more >>

06-11-2007 14:57

Webster Griffin Tarpley's London Talk Dissected

Last night London saw one of the big hitters in the 9/11 'Truth' movement, Webster Griffin Tarpley, discussing what he sees as 400 years of false flag terrorism, to a packed audience. Read more >>

24-10-2007 14:54

Interview: New British Mumia Documentary Debuts Oct.25

In Prison My Whole Life
The new British documentary about death-row journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal, "In Prison My Whole Life," premieres on October 25 at both The Times BFI 51st London Film Festival and Rome's International Film Festival. With the acclaimed British actor Colin Firth as an executive producer, "In Prison My Whole Life" is directed by Marc Evans and produced by Livia Firth and Nick Goodwin Self. The film has interviews with such figures as Alice Walker, Angela Davis, Noam Chomsky, Amy Goodman, Ramona Africa, and musicians Mos Def, Snoop Dogg and Steve Earle.

In this exclusive interview on the eve of the film's premiere, Francome discloses for the very first time, one of the film's biggest surprises: The film will prominently feature the startling Dec. 9, 1981 crime scene photos that were recently discovered by German author Michael Schiffmann, and are published in his new book.

One of Polakoff's photos will be published for the first time in the US, in this week's issue of The San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper, which has previously reported on Abu-Jamal's case. Read more >>

23-10-2007 21:04

A comparison between Lenin's and Hobson's interpretation on imperialism

Although Hobson inspired Lenin on his work "Imperialism:the highest stage of capitalism" there are some critical differences in the two interpretations. Read more >>

17-10-2007 22:46

New photographic evidence in case, Philadelphia Cops Framed Mumia Abu Jamal

New photographic evidence has surfaced proving Philadelphia police lied under oath, tampered with evidence at the scene and fabricated a witness. Read more >>

07-10-2007 18:01

That Damned Marx

No matter what they say, the bourgeois cannot escape the fact that Marx's ideas still hold water after all these years. His analysis of the capitalist system, its laws and contradictions are as relevant today as they were 150 years ago. The serious journals of capitalism confirm this. Read more >>

30-09-2007 20:55

Peace Strike speeches from 29th September

A couple of interesting speeches from the Pre-emptive Peace Strike on 29th September 2007 at Parliament Square, London Read more >>

28-09-2007 19:22

Dear Sir Richard Branson

N.B. I also need to clarify, in open court, as to whether bollocks may be uttered in connection with the word Brown as I am not terribly fond of his idea of dealing with pension and education funding and thievery. Justice must be seen to be done.

17-09-2007 15:19 | 3 additions

John Bowden & The Battle Of Lewisham

One of the many antifascists arrested was a young John Bowden. Read more >>

17-09-2007 08:53

Red Saunders remembers the battle of lewisham

Red Saunders, a founder member of Rock against Racism recounts his experiences of "The Battle of Lewisham" Thirty years ago this year Read more >>


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