Dear Siobhain Butterworth
Grave Ignorance or Serious Deception:
"Power without law, making laws means no man or his property is safe".
In the Guardian on January 1st, 2008 you published an article by George Monbiot entitled; "How Britain became party to a crime that may have killed a million people - "Not having a written constitution allowed Blair and his advisers to go to war without reference to parliament or the public."
What you have stated above, the claim we that we do not have a 'written constitution', is misleading, since technically it means we do not have a codified constitution. Perhaps you would like to point out to us where it is not codified?
We have observed that Magna Carta, the Petition of Right, the Bill of Rights and the Act of Settlement, these are indeed codified. The claim that we do not have a written constitution is usually made in comparison of the codification of the American constitution, which is Masonic, and was made at one time. But it should be born in mind that the claim that we in Britain do not have a constitution is used as propaganda formulated against the Rights of the People and in so doing is taking us down the path of tyranny, as made clear by Tom Paine when he said ‘…the constitution was made for the people and not government’.
With reference to the right to go war in your article; in fact what Tony Blair did was he acted outside the ‘prerogative’ which is in the hands of the monarch in accordance with their Coronation Oath. Blair had not at that time, with the help of Lord Faulkener (Lord chancellor), put through the Constitutional Reform Act 2005, which is clearly against Halsbury, Jowitt (legal reference books of great prestige) and earlier, Sir Edward Cook made it plain, "The Royal Prerogative is part of the personality of the monarch and can not be taken from them even by an Act if Parliament." The ‘prerogative power’ is lent to the monarch by the People at the coronation for the life time of the monarch!
Mr Brown is now in his governance of Britain, is trying to give the ‘prerogative’ to Parliament or the People which would mean removing the ‘prerogative’ from the protection of the monarch and the judiciary. As in the Chagos Archipelagos case, the Law Lords ruled that Parliament had already acted outside the ‘prerogative power’. Now we as a People, are in GRAVE DANGER because there will be no power to control the impartial power to protect us, against tyranny, as was set out by our ancestors as described by Lord Chatham – (Pitt the Elder). "…the genius of our ancestors" … The removal of the ‘prerogative’ is TREASON against the principles of our country which protect the People against tyranny.
For the record; we the People of Britain do indeed have a constitution and in accordance with it’s statues, the matter of going to war lies with the monarch NOT Parliament! We in Britain have a republic in which the Peoples’ power (the ‘prerogative’) is held by the monarch for their life time. Parliament does not hold that power, further more an Oath of Allegiance has to be taken by anyone who wishes to take a seat in Parliament, this incorporates the laws of our land.
Charles the 1st warned: '...Power without law, making laws means no man or his property is safe." Therefore by Parliament now attempting to take over the ‘prerogative’ it is attempting to take the power from the People.'
Mr Monboit’s article shows a lack of constitutional grasp by writing as he has - by referring to a "unwritten constitution" and calling it a "gentleman's agreement", and by not correcting such misinformation. It is this ignorance that has been deliberately propagated amongst the people of this nation which has effectively so far, allowed Blair to act as a dictator. What Mr Monbiot has suggested in his article about the constitutional reform, is too weak and incorrect, because it clear he does not seem to realise what the government is proposing do to our enshrined laws and in so doing, you as a paper, are supporting the uprising of treasonable power.
The Fabian strategy is globalisation, Iraq and Afghanistan are merely part of this plan to which the People of Britain and other countries come a very poor second. It should be noted that Blair was head of the Fabian’s before becoming leader of the Labour party.
Last year 2007, we Britain supposedly celebrated the end of slavery which often involved the use of physical chains and forced labour, now the dynamics of the game have changed and far from been abolished there is evidence that our parliamentarians have put the people of this nation even more deeply into the slavery into the European Union with its ever mounting tyrannical laws and controls including the loss of our inalienable rights, not least Habeas Corpus.
Furthermore, there is ample evidence from government documents that Edward Heath and others committed treason in taking us as a nation into the European Union. See

We look forward to hearing from you and trust you will correct this information in your newspaper and thus provide your readers with the truth of our very real 'written constitution'.
Yours Sincerely
Elizabeth Beckett

Mr Monboit’s article shows a lack of constitutional grasp by writing as he has - by referring to a "unwritten constitution" and calling it a "gentleman's agreement", and by not correcting such misinformation. It is this ignorance that has been deliberately propagated amongst the people of this nation which has effectively so far, allowed Blair to act as a dictator. What Mr Monbiot has suggested in his article about the constitutional reform, is too weak and incorrect, because it clear he does not seem to realise what the government is proposing do to our enshrined laws and in so doing, you as a paper are supporting the uprising of treasonable power.
The Fabian strategy is globalisation, Iraq and Afghanistan are merely part of this plan to which the People of Britain and other countries come a very poor second. It should be noted that Blair was head of the Fabian’s before becoming leader of the Labour party.
Last year 2007, we Britain supposedly celebrated the end of slavery which often involved the use of physical chains and forced labour, now the dynamics of the game have changed and far from been abolished there is evidence that our parliamentarians have put the people of this nation even more deeply into the slavery into the European Union with its ever mounting tyrannical laws and controls including the loss of our inalienable rights, not least Habeas Corpus.
Furthermore, there is ample evidence from government documents that Edward Heath and others committed treason in taking us as a nation into Europe. See

We look forward to you correcting this information in your newspaper and thus providing your readers with the truth of our 'written constitution'.
Yours Sincerely
Elizabeth Beckett