03-04-2005 15:58
Space Hijackers (first 11) Vs The Government (first 11)
May 1ST 2005
03-04-2005 10:48
15 April sees a massive all night anti-poverty and environmental Trade Justice protest in Westminster and Whitehall - organisers have now released full programme and a call for mass participation (ahead of the G8 Summit).
01-04-2005 13:54
Over 80 anti-war activists pulled an April fools day hoax outside the offices of British company, Windrush Communications Ltd today. The protestors dressed as pirates for an April Fools Day Pro-Privatisation Party. The aim of which was to highlight the role of Windrush in promoting the illegal plunder of Iraq’s assets.
30-03-2005 15:44
The South East Regional mobilising network against the G8 have organised trains to Scotland for the G8 Summit, and they will be cheaper than the one alleged to have been organised by Globalise Resistance.
30-03-2005 10:21
Join us, the corporate pirates, in a week of action on 1 - 6 April to oppose the corporate plunder of Iraq. We have a series of events planned for this week and anyone who believes in justice for the people of Iraq should come along and join the protests
30-03-2005 09:02
THE CLANDESTINE INSURGENT REBEL CLOWN ARMY are beggining a 6 week rebel clown trainings every Monday eve 7-9pm beginning 4th April - at Ramparts..
26-03-2005 01:21
Diaz Trial goes to European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
The Diaz trial of 28 policemen has been recommended to the European Court of Human Rights by the Italian prosecutor, Dr Enrico Zucca, following meetings with Mark Covell, the indymedia victim and primary witness in the Diaz trial.
25-03-2005 13:15
Back in Medaevaltimes governments put out the eyes and ears of politicalprisoners. Now,all they think they have to do is to put out the eyes and ears of the British public: BBC programme makers.
24-03-2005 17:16
Wake up the government
Sounds tempting, doesn’t it? Well, we now all have the chance to do it at the end of what promises to be a night to remember. In the run up to the national election, the attempt to instill a (seemingly long lost) sense of principle into the political elite and challenge the notion that our welfare is only advanced at the expense of others could not be more timely.
24-03-2005 14:49
the High Court has rejected compensation claims that their "right to liberty" under the European Convention on Human Rights had been breached when they were held for over seven hours along with thousands of other people.
The concequences of all this, might be a bit grim !!
23-03-2005 14:27
During Mayday 2001, police trapped protestors in Oxford Circus for 7 hours without access toilets, food or water.
Nearly four years later, the High Court has rejected compensation claims by Lois Austin and Geoffrey Saxby who claimed they had been ilegally imprisoned and that their "right to liberty" under the European Convention on Human Rights had been breached when they were held for over seven hours along with thousands of other people.
There are around 150 other claims by people held by the police operation which are depending on the test case outcome.
The pair have been given leave to appeal and say they will do so.
The full judgement will soon be available here:
http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/QB/2005/ 03/TLQ/0350 Austin v Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis
03/TLQ/0411 Saxby v Same
23-03-2005 08:17
newsletter on recent class struggles from perpective of auto-organisation
Editorial: Why such a project now?
Wildcat strike at GM/Opel in Bochum, Germany
GM/Saab policies in Sweden
New wage-model at VW, Germany
Last note on VW
Protests against welfare-reform in Germany
Update on Hartz IV/welfare-reform
Struggles of migrant workers in Paris, France
Travel report: More struggles in France
Aviation: Two struggles in Britain and Belgium
Construction: Struggle at Laing O’Rourke/Britain
22-03-2005 21:25
During Mayday 2001, police trapped protestors in Oxford Circus for 7 hours without access toilets, food or water. Nearly four years later, we have a finally got a High Court judgement.
21-03-2005 16:58
New blog criticises growth of Tesco. Interview/news story with founder Dave Miller
20-03-2005 18:33
Pictures from the huge anti-war demonstration of Saturday 19th March 2005 - the second anniversary of the start of the attack on Iraq. Estimates range from 50,000 people (police numbers) to 150,000 (organisers estimate). On the same day there were demonstrations across europe, including against protests against neoliberlaism - as well as anti-war protests around the world.
20-03-2005 16:46
Pictures from Grosvenor Square from the March 19th anti-war demonstration.
18-03-2005 13:00
Join us, the corporate pirates, in a week of action on 1 - 6 April to oppose the corporate plunder of Iraq! We have a series of events planned for this week and anyone who wants justice for the people of Iraq is welcome to join us.
18-03-2005 12:25
Meeting this Sunday March 20th at O'Neills pub Euston Road from 2 until 6pm to discuss proposals for action in Edinburgh on July 7th.
18-03-2005 12:18
Meeting this sunday, March 20th to discuss proposals for action in Edinburgh on July 7th.
16-03-2005 07:43
The Scotsman in a PA news article has reported that police and councillors in Derbyshire have requested bans on G8 demonstrations which are planned for tomorrow - thursday 17th march - alongside G8 Environment and Development Ministers meeting. Home Secretary Charles Clarke will today consider meansures to be imposed.
Below the article is reproduced for note: