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26-09-2007 15:45

CUBA Calls for End to Insensitivity...

Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Pérez Roque spoke on Monday, September 24, at a UN high-level event on climate change in New York, United States. We offers here the full text of the Cuban diplomat's speech. Read more >>

26-09-2007 11:49

Report from Anti London Olympics/regeneration march and meeting plus comment

Protesters outside Hackney Town Hall
Many people marched to voice their concern over the London Olympic project and other so-called regeneration schemes. Read more >>

25-09-2007 22:28

Another woman prisoner dies in HMP Send.

Another demo following another death at HMP Send.
Lisa Doe aged 25 died in HMP Send on September 11th. Like the previous death of Emma Kelly in Send last April, Lisa was also on so called 'Suicide Watch'. At her trial two forensic psychologists said Lisa had a 'brain abnormality'. The demonstrators outside Send on Thursday insist that Lisa should have been in some kind of hospital rather than a prison.

Her aunt and cousin arrived to lay flowers and pay their respects.

Bereaved mother Pauline Campbell blocked a prison van taking a prisoner into the prison. She has done this many times before. The Police arrived and eventually she was persuaded to let the van proceed. She usually sticks it out until she is arrested but on this occasion it was not convenient. Read more >>

25-09-2007 21:53

IRAQ: Now we have Article 41

Now we have article 41.In brief, it says go to your cleric and he will deal with whatever issues you have. Read more >>

25-09-2007 15:58

Dispatches: Politicians: is it one rule for us and another for them?

Last night's Dispatches (repeated Thursday 3.45am) exposed the extent of MPs' perks, the lack of transparency into expenses and top-level collusion to quash attempts to improve standards. Read more >>

25-09-2007 15:30

Atomic Weapons Establishment a catastrophe waiting to happen

The Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) and the Ministry of Defence have submitted a planning application for a new nuclear warhead component factory at the Burghfield site in Berkshire, yet the site has been struggling to remedy as many as 1,000 safety defects uncovered by the government's official nuclear watchdog. And it has only been allowed to remain open because the Ministry of Defence says the work it does is vital.

25-09-2007 14:24

The Cuban Five

I attended a briefing by Leonard Weinglass (he of the Daniel Ellsberg/Pentagon Papers fame, of the Amy Carter tribulations, and other famous efforts to achieve justice against at times huge odds) at Howard University's Law School on Wednesday, 12 September. I was stunned by what counselor Weinglass revealed... Read more >>

25-09-2007 13:48

European race-hate groups planning October London anti-'Islamisation' Demo

Various European extremist groups are planning an anti-'Islamisation' demo to be held on Friday, 26 October 2007 in London. Read more >>

25-09-2007 11:12

Peter Hain may still make Gordon Brown come unstuck - 'let us all down'!

The Guardian reported on Monday [24.09.2007] as follows:-

'Unions and charities are furious that Mr Hain has handed over the lion's share of the first tranche of privatised services to the Ingeus group under a deal which will not include union recognition and will not safeguard jobs on the same conditions as in Whitehall...'


25-09-2007 10:56

Screening of Documentaries and Video activism in Caracas, Jan 2008

Film and video activist screenings in Caracas, Jan 2008 Read more >>

25-09-2007 10:33

Calling all No Border campers from London!

Come along to the London No Borders on Thursday! Read more >>

25-09-2007 01:23

Cruelty Animal In the Waterland Circuses

Cruelty Animal In the Waterland Circuses

24-09-2007 20:38

Just doing your job, officer

Taking part in the NoBorders camp near Gatwick, this short piece reflects on two assaults, one robbery and a security alert all witnessed within the space of two short, but exciting hours as a trainee Legal Observer for the camp's action in Crawley town centre, raising awareness. Forget being a special copper, try legal observing. It's far better, and you get to choose your own notebook. Read more >>

24-09-2007 12:15

Comedy benefit raises £40,000 for CAAT

Hammersmith Apollo last night hosted a comedy benefit, "A Seriously Funny Attempt to the get the Serious Fraud Office in the dock!" The proceeds from the gig, featuring comics including Mark Steel, Omid Djalili and Russell Brand will go to help fund the Campaign Against the Arms Trade's (CAAT) judicial review to restart the SFO's prosecution of BAe Systems' for alleged illegal bribery of Saudi ministers. Read more >>

24-09-2007 01:15

Stop Genocide of Baloch People in Iran and Pakistan

Baloch Society of North America
APPEAL TO WORLD : Stop Genocide of Baloch People in IRAN and PAKISTAN Read more >>

23-09-2007 22:17

Save Tara: The Greenman goes to the Green Party

17 August 2007, if two actions in the day were not enough, the Greenman, backed up by Save Tara campaigners and the International Culture Conservationists headed to Dublin to confront the Irish Green Party. Read more >>

23-09-2007 12:51

The BBC and 'others' 'war' on George Galloway - a Bethnal Green commentary-1

By©Muhammad Haque
1150 GMT
London Sunday 23 September 2007

Last Friday's edition of the BBC2 programme 'NEWSNIGHT' promoted the voters-rejected candidate Oona King as if she had just come back from climbing Mount Everest! As had the Andrew Neill-fronted 'THIS WEEK' slot the previous night shown on BBC1. There is such an acceptance of this token of 'multiple ethnicities and affiliations' being flaunted on all the mainstream media channels that the ordinary people face a serious risk of being almost told that defeat at an election in Britain no longer means that. Read more >>

23-09-2007 12:21

The Bitch in the Ditch vs. ''General Betray

Captain May, the Internet intelligence writer, compars the kid glove treatment that General Petraeus has gotten from the media and Congress with the brass knuckles approach That the Bush League took to Cindy Sheehan back in the days of the original Camp Casey, where he was part of the antiwar forces assembled. Read more >>

22-09-2007 23:48

No Border campaigners march to Gatwick despite heavy policing

For the first time in its 11-year history, Tinsley House immigration detention centre at Gatwick Airport today saw a lively, though short rally in the afternoon. As part of the Gatwick No Border Camp, about 500 people from across the UK marched from Crawley, West Sussex, to Gatwick in a 'transnational day of action against immigration prisons'. They were protesting in particular against a new detention centre that is being built at Gatwick Airport, which is due to open in 2008. Read more >>

22-09-2007 21:36

Pics Saturday No Borders demo in Crawley.

Front banner at the demo
Here there are some shots of the Transnational No Borders Day of Action demonstration in Crawley.

See report of the demonstration here:


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