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UK Mayday 2010 Newswire Archive

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Nin's 1937 testament discovered (En,Ru), overcoming label politics in Class War

25-02-2012 07:14

Nin's Testament in hand-writing, page 1
A joint workshop of left Communists and Anarchists in the Ukrainean town of Sumi compiled a multi-language edition (French, English, Russian) of Andreu Nin's last known letter, written just 7 days before his arrest on 15th June 1937 in Barcelona and his subsequent death in custody.
Provoked by the film Tierra y Libertad on working-class militancy 1936/37and Nin's party POUM, we decided to make available this revealing letter to English, French and Russian readers.

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Tories to cut may day

04-03-2011 08:26

Please note: whether or not you agree with my particular take on this matter, the simple fact of this article is that the coalition is attempting to scrap a historic day of working class pride and replace it with empire pride. I hope this is something that many people take as seriously as I do. We must fight for our day before it is gone forever.

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Callout for solidarity Demo as Democracy Village activsts appear in court

02-06-2010 13:09

Tomorrow morning Activists from Democracy Village, the protest camp against the war in Afghanistan will be appearing in court. Come and show solidarity at the The Strand High Court, 10am 3rd of June. Please show support against this repression of our right to peaceful assembly and protest.

10 am Royal Courts of Justice - the High Court
Strand, London WC1

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Censorship during the election campaign.

15-05-2010 07:24

I was curious as to why large public demonstrations, such as May 1st in Parliament Square, were not reported by the mainstream media.

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VIDEO - What is the Democracy Village?

14-05-2010 13:53

A group of concerned citizens who came together to call for Peace, Justice and Freedom. The issues that they campaign for are diverse e.g. Peace, an end to the war in Afghanistan, Climate Justice, Civil Liberties, Land Reform, Electoral Reform and much more. It is a creative space to discuss and put into action solutions for the future, such as community, self sufficiency and sustainability. Everyone is welcome to pitch up a tent and get involved.

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vote fraud . . . . lot of it about

06-05-2010 15:45

. . . . westminster, cheap housing association flats, all with their own numbers - all guys, but a couple of days ago two postal ballots for a chinese couple ( both sexes ) turn up on the main doormat - without a flat number. Dropped a sheet of paper with the details off at the local police station, to get told that they'd check it off against the local electoral lists. This doesnt seem much of a response . . . .

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Rave Against the Machine

05-05-2010 17:24

Thanks to everyone who came out!

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Message from a Concerned Citizen of the Democracy Village

05-05-2010 14:32

An account of my stay at the Democracy Village, and a call to all 'Concerned Citizens'

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demockracy village - day 4

05-05-2010 12:24

the tent village in parliament square is growing and rooting. there is a call-out for various items and of course for visitors, campers and helpers. there are various events planned at the village for election day tomorrow.

'dv' has put up some new pics from day 4 on uk indymedia at

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Democracy Village, Parliament Square, London - Pictures.

05-05-2010 12:11

A Very Weak Government.
As the British General Election of 2010 draws to an end and the people prepare to vote, and after nine years of a now financially ruinous war, Parliament Square swells with a new Democracy Village formed to bring UK involvement in the war in Afghanistan to an end.

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Parliament Square Democracy Village - Day 4 pics

05-05-2010 07:15

Tent Village
Pics from Democracy Village on Tuesday, 4 May 2010

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Space Hijackers Mayday Election Battle Bus

04-05-2010 23:01

Spoil Your Ballot

This Mayday on the Space Hijackers took our anti-election battle bus to the streets of London and the home of government. We've all seen George Galloway and the other cronies charging around in open top buses trying to persuade people to vote for them, but we all know the whole thing is a scam. So we hired our own open top bus, and flew around London giving out an alternate message - SPOIL YOUR BALLOT, REJECT THE LOT OF EM!

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Mayday Pics - Parliament Square

04-05-2010 22:06

Some more pics

People were having fun, weather was nice until it wasn't.

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Euromayday Hamburg and its media production

04-05-2010 12:29

The grin of precarity lurks everywhere

The most obvious purpose of media activism is to provide counter-information. But revealing facts doesn't exhaust the potentials of "doing media". It's also about storytelling, feelings, social relations. Radical media produces knowledge, political subjectivities, communication. In many cities, the EuroMayDay parades of the precarious engage in this kind of media making. This article attempts to tell the story of EuroMayDay in Hamburg through a collection of links to its media production.

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Demockracy Village - Day 3

04-05-2010 07:38

lunch is served
after the torrential rain at the start of this protest, today has seen a chance to dry out and consolidate. with more structures in place and plans for the week beginning to form, the camp has issued a call-out for an election day festival all afternoon and evening in parliament square, with music, food, guerilla gardening and open mic, and an intention to remain a presence in the square as the new government takes over power.

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Mayday edition of the Nottingham Sparrow

03-05-2010 20:25

There was a new edition of the local Anarchist Federation's rebel bulletin, The Nottingham Sparrow, available at Mayday. For the latest on fighting the cuts and class struggle (not to mention the gossip on Jon Collins) it's well worth a read.

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Chesterfield Mayday 2010

03-05-2010 15:44

Chesterfield Mayday is traditionally one of the largest celebrations of International Workers’ Day in the region if not the country. Although substantially smaller than at its peak, the event continues every May bank holiday weekend.

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May Day in Coventry

03-05-2010 10:19

Yesterday was the first May Day celebration in Coventry for many years, organised by Coventry Against Racism. The organisers had planned to kick off the event with a march, followed by a "Festival" in Millenium Place. The police demanded a payment of £900 to close the street: and when organisers couldn't cough up, the march was banned.

All the same, some of the assembled May Day celebrators forgot about the ban and spontaneously took to the streets, reclaiming the road and holding a colourful procession from the Council House to Millenium place. Maybe just an act of token resistance -- but was great to see Coventry town centre give way to anarchic festivity on May Day, even if just for a brief pause. The parade was led by the banners of West Midlands No Borders: "asylum is not a crime"; "freedom of movement for all"; "no one is illegal"; and "working is not a crime".

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Mayday! Peace Camp / Democracy Village - Parliament Square

02-05-2010 21:59

Statement From The Democracy Village, Parliament Square

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Arthur Scargill addresses Dublin Mayday rally

02-05-2010 16:56

Audio Arthur Scargill addresses Dublin Mayday rally
On a miserable wet day around 400 workers marched through Dublin in the annual Mayday march organised by the Dublin Council of Trade Unions. Speakers at the end included Arthur Scargill, president of the British National Union of Mine Workers during the bitter year long 1984 strike in which 10 people were killed.

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Mayday in Parliament Square, Peace Camp, London. - Pictures

02-05-2010 12:04

The Red Horse.
As the British General Election enters its last week before the people go to the polls to elect a new Government, the Parliament Square Peace Camp swells with supporters and campaigners on the traditional workers day of Mayday.

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Images of Parliament Sq Demo

02-05-2010 12:01

Fair Wages for Prisoners
May Day Demo at Parliament Sq London 1 May 2010.

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Nottingham Mayday 2010

02-05-2010 10:48

This year, organisers of Nottingham Mayday have faced the full force of Notttingham City Council’s bureaucratic machinery, and had to jump through any number of legal and financial hoops. Despite these obstacles, the event went ahead on Saturday May 1st with perhaps a couple of 100 people turning up to celebrate International Workers' Day.

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Video of Mayday in Parliament Square

02-05-2010 08:25

The video starts with the parades arriving in Parliament Square and ends with a Street Reclamation just before the rain set in.

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