UK Refugee Week 2006 Newswire Archive
Amnesty International vigil and sleep out in Edinburgh Friday June 22nd 2007
23-06-2007 21:34

Could Gaza go it alone?
18-06-2007 11:38

REFUGEES – THEY'RE WELCOME HERE! meeting in Brighton 18th June
11-06-2007 14:39
An open discussion about how refugees are supported in Brighton and Hove and how we could do more to integrate them into our communityStop Torture Flights - Demo outside the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 24th May
25-05-2007 15:36

Families in Immigration detention October 2006
15-12-2006 22:55
Released under the Freedom of Information Act 2000In October 2006 you asked how many families were in Immigration Detention in Dungavel, Tinsley House and Yarl's Wood? How many adults, how many children?
Leeds No Borders in Solidarity with Harmondsworth Detainees
08-12-2006 16:58

Save Perparim Demaj from Deportation!
17-10-2006 18:09
PRESS RELEASE/FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE/17th October 2006Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Evening Post helps Immigration Service harass East Midlands asylum-seekers
11-10-2006 10:15

Asylum Seeker documentary - Ahlam's Story
30-09-2006 00:37
Ahlam Souidi speaks frankly about her time as an asylum seeker in Maryhill, Glasgow. Her family are at the moment threatened with deportation back to a country, Algeria, where they face grave danger.Party Without Borders
01-07-2006 16:14